La Bamba

Tonight we had a good old fashioned jam session at the Kaes house.  It was an all request night by which I mean anyone could pick a song (I didn’t really pick a song, but I did try out a new guitar/melody/song piece accompanied by hand percussion and it was quite cool).  It was in honor of a friend, Eliska, who is from the Czech Republic, but was visiting for a number of weeks over the summer but has to fly home Tuesday.  She plays quite a few instruments so it was good fun.  We also had “Funkle Doug” on the piano (for some of the time), who is a great jazz pianist.  Eventually we worked our way to the song La Bamba.

I’m not sure how it came about that we played La Bamba, but we did.  There was dancing.  Young and old were either playing or dancing.  It was good.  There was life, there was fun, there was family, friends, and fellowship.  There was love.  All from a silly 3 chord song with a catchy hook.  I hope your weekend had a La Bamba  in it.

They’re Playing Our Song…

American Idol had a clip from House of Pain’s Jump in the background.  A song that came up on the honey moon trip of Jessica and I.  A song we didn’t pick, but one that we couldn’t remember the name of.  I woke Jessica up late that night to tell her I had thought of the song’s name.  It is NOT our song, but it does make me laugh every time I hear it.

Birthday Songs

I have written a few birthday songs for my co-workers over the last couple years (OK, over 30, starting with this one).  They’re not great songs in the grand scheme of things, but they’re songs, and they’re for my co-workers.  The one thing that I have heard over & over is that people are just glad for the songs because nobody’s every written them a song.  This sits with me kinda funny because as a song writer some of my earliest songs were for people.  One of the first ones was for my ex-sister-in-law (before she was my sister-in-law, and well before she was my ex-sister-in-law).  She was having a down time and so I wrote her a song.  I’ve written songs for lots of folks, most of which have never been played in public, I haven’t even shared them with the people I wrote them for in most cases.

What I want to know from you is this: when someone writes you a letter, by hand, stamps it, mails it, and sends you a message, is it personally more significant than an email, even if it isn’t different in content?  Is it like a song where it strikes you as personal and powerful compared to a simpler happy birthday wish?