Discover: Making Notes of Things

I just got what is the fourth call from the Discover card company (a company we’re working hard to sever ties with as soon as we can).  The first call they asked Jessica if she wanted to take advantage of an offer.  She declined after they smoothly talked her into what was a courtesy call that transitioned into an additional feature with monthly fees.  She was a little ticked.  Then they called back and said she hadn’t finished answering the questions from the previous call.  She was even more ticked.  They called earlier today but we didn’t answer because she was still not thrilled by their diligence.  They called just now and I answered (Jessica was not home). I tried to tell the guy on the phone she had declined and he said, “I’ll make note of that.”  I asked him to wait (it sounded like he was hanging up) and then he said, “What did I just say, sir?”  I said, “I’m not sure, tell me again.”

“I said I’ll make note of that.”

Me: “Make note of what?”

Discover Rep: “That she declined the offer.”

Me: “OK, thank you.”

The reason I asked him to clarify was this: “Making note” doesn’t necessarily mean “I have filled out the form she declined and we won’t bother you any more for at least 6 months.”  It could mean, “This woman’s husband is a crackhead, do not talk to him.”

Hercules: A Miniature Poodle Story

I won’t explain entirely why we got a poodle pup, but I will tell you this: he’s going to be called ‘girl’, ‘her’ and ‘she’ for most of his life by strangers because little, white, fluffy dogs lend themselves to it.  Not my fault.  But tonight we had a funny moment at the pet store.  We had to go get a name tag so as to make sure when he escapes (and some time he will) he has a chance of being found, identified, and we can get a phone call (ideally).  Evie was with Jessica and I and she handed the checker our bright red heart shaped name tag.  The checker asked, “Did you get a new puppy?”

Evie joyfully replied, “Yes! His name is Hercules.”

The checker then enquired, “Hercules?  Is he a big dog?”

Jessica and I both laughed out loud and she explained to the checker that Hercules was a miniature poodle.  I predict this will be the first of many times that assumption comes about.  There is no better ‘worst possible’ name for this dog.  Except maybe “white armpit beast” which was one of my more creative suggestions.  The family declined that name in favor of something else.

Four Tired

I’m sitting at my favrite tire store. The staff are friendly. I’m thankful Jessica noticed the rear left tire was low. It had a screw in it. I’m waiting about 45 minutes for Discount tires to repair it. And I’m thankful this tire was not flat next week, we’ve got a long road trip planned.

Kicker – 1995-2010

Flickr Photo


Originally uploaded by RandyPeterman.

Last night my in-law’s dog Kicker died on the way home from the vet. As much as my sour attitude lent itself to the name Kicker, he was a great dog and it will be weird to go to their place and not have him running around and barking at pretty much anything that moved outside.

One of my all time favorite memories with Kicker was when I used to tickle Jessica when we were dating and her laughter would lead him to bark at me and try to jump up to get me to stop. He was a loving dog and he was much loved. We will miss him.

They’re Playing Our Song…

American Idol had a clip from House of Pain’s Jump in the background.  A song that came up on the honey moon trip of Jessica and I.  A song we didn’t pick, but one that we couldn’t remember the name of.  I woke Jessica up late that night to tell her I had thought of the song’s name.  It is NOT our song, but it does make me laugh every time I hear it.