Tonight we had a good old fashioned jam session at the Kaes house. It was an all request night by which I mean anyone could pick a song (I didn’t really pick a song, but I did try out a new guitar/melody/song piece accompanied by hand percussion and it was quite cool). It was in honor of a friend, Eliska, who is from the Czech Republic, but was visiting for a number of weeks over the summer but has to fly home Tuesday. She plays quite a few instruments so it was good fun. We also had “Funkle Doug” on the piano (for some of the time), who is a great jazz pianist. Eventually we worked our way to the song La Bamba.
I’m not sure how it came about that we played La Bamba, but we did. There was dancing. Young and old were either playing or dancing. It was good. There was life, there was fun, there was family, friends, and fellowship. There was love. All from a silly 3 chord song with a catchy hook. I hope your weekend had a La Bamba in it.
Great times, stuff of life! I wish I could have been there! Blessings!