If you use Google, try googling with Blingo. They share part of their revenue from ad clicks with users by doing random giveaways. The results are the same as Google, but you can also win prizes. Its kind of like what you’re used to, but with free stuff. Check it out. And by prizes I mean money and iPods.
Category Archives: QuickLinks
Sweet Maria’s
I love Coffee. But not in a three pots of coffee a day way. Instead I like it in small single cup batches. That way I can focus and concentrate while working as well as not shake so much. Sweet Maria’s is a fantastic site my friend Craig pointed me to.
It is truly awesome and has lots of good information on coffee, coffee roasting, coffee regions, and of course sells some of the stuff so you, too, can be a junky like Craig, Me and several other folks at church who have slowly been turning me to the dark side (though I’m not a huge fan of dark roasted coffee).
Spider-Man 3
As some readers may know the Spider-Man series are my favorite comic book series to be made into a movie (I confess to having never read a Spider-Man comic book in my life, but I did watch the childrens cartoon growing up). Number 3 is coming out next year. Here’s the trailor, it looks awesome 🙂
Google Your Way Into a New Car
Google has now added car searching to their normal search results! If you search for a vehicle make and model (for example Honda CR-V) one of the first results (under the money-making paid advertising) will be a field for you to input your zip code, the make and model of the car (pre-filled for your convenience except for your zip code the first time) you can search for dealers selling that vehicle used or new within a radius of X miles. On top of that you can further restrict things by price. You get the google map as well.
Lost Theories
A blog I read is written by another web developer, we’ve had limited email exchange in the last 6 months, it was actually only about one thing: The Lost TV Show. Check out his new site dedicated to Lost Theories. This looks like a handy place to read up on others thoughts as well as post your own. The site is really clean, works fast and is going to give me food for thought for some time 🙂
Communicate About Weapons of Mass Distraction
If you’re a gal whose male counterpart is a ‘gas man’ then you may need this shirt.
Thanks to Tony for the idea 🙂
Did I Just Say That?
This morning I did announcements and sung along with the songs (though it was not like when I traditionally lead the worship). Part of this responsibility is reading the passage that will be taught on in its entirety so that people have a general idea of where we’re at in the series (currently Isaiah). I had to read a passage in Isaiah 22. Except that when I got to the 24th verse that reads:
So they will hang on him all the glory of his father’s house, offspring and issue, all the least of vessels, from bowls to all the jars.
I screwed up. Instead of ‘bowls’ out popped ‘bowels.’ I don’t know what mental image that brings for you, but I quickly corrected myself and went on. Wow. Bowels. Pardon me while I mention that was a “crappy” slip up [that play on words was for Jenny Dalton, who will more than likely not actually read this post].
I was exhausted by the end of the main service because I had to teach on the errors of Christian Science (an MP3 can be downloaded/streamed at that link) during the adult Sunday School class. Then I had to lead the main service (as mentioned before) and to end it all I had managed to talk or sing for over an hour and a half. That’s a lot for a guy who quietly sits in front of a computer desk most of the time and doesn’t engage in hardly enough social activity. However, there is just something fun about slip ups like this for others, they get to see that Randy Peterman is most definitely human, and that the folks that are leading are not there to put on a show.
Jessica has Always Wanted Lasik…
I Loves Me Some TV, NOT!
This is an interesting blog post: Why You, Too, Should Cancel Cable. I don’t think that television is the embodiment of evil, but I do think that human beings (in all countries who have access to television) need to be a bit more discerning about what television they watch. I mean, think about it: you are giving them your time, and paying cable/satellite for it. I like Alton Brown, and that’s probably the most loyal I am to television, I record every episode of Good Eats. I watch it on my time and still don’t finish every episode because I’ve got important things to do. Like raise a family of amazingly well behaved and well adjusted women who will fight against the imballance of feminism and male dominant worldviews to seek out truth, love and better cheeses. But seriously, how much TV do you actually watch?
Thanks to Mr. Robinson for exposing me to this blog post.
While My Ukelele Bigotry Silently Goes Away
This video
shows Jake Shimabukuro playing George Harrison’s While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Yes, on a Ukelele. Yes it is incredible. Yes you should watch and listen. Yes, I’m saying Yes too often.