As CNET reports, Microsoft has announced their new Windows Vista operating system prices. The version of the OS that I would need to do everything I need within my home would cost me $399.00. Or I could install Linux for free, or ditch the Windows OS completely and get some more Apples (a mini would do just fine). Why does Microsoft want to overly segment their market? Do they feel that since they have much of the business world over a barrel that they should just gouge the home users who happen to prefer some slightly more advanced features that are now in their premium packages only? Or is this an opportunity for consumers to discover other operating systems that get the job done for less?
Category Archives: QuickLinks
So Long Irwin
The Croc’ Hunter is Dead. I once did an answering machine message as Steve and I had people from around the US calling just to hear it.
Funny Commercial
Messin With Sasquatch lots of fun 🙂
Top Ten FBI Most Wanted Arrested
Sure, the title seems cool, top ten! Like David Letterman. Only this guy is a religious leader. He’s a Mormon who has been on the run for a while – he’s got a compound set up in Waco, Texas where some of his followers have built a temple. He was wanted for poligamy and for under-aged marriages. Sick. I don’t know that he warranted a top ten placement (but I don’t know the complete list of fellons anyway), but this man was not only leading people into legalism unto Joseph Smith but he was also harming a lot of people with his teachings. While agree with him, in general, that people shouldn’t be watching television, this guy is a mind-controller and won’t put up with less tha 100% control.
I was reading about him and it was interesting to note that he would take wives away from men and give them to other men to punish the men who didn’t do his bidding. What could possibly be wrong with that?
With or Without U2
If you like U2, and I know you do, then you may have some thoughts on this.* I just listened to the Coverville episode that was a U2 cover story. Some of the covers are good, but the last one really grabbed me the most [When Love Came to Town featuring Herby Hancock, Joss Stone and Johnny Lang]. Anyway, I found that almost all of the covers lacked the passion that Bono puts into the vocal parts. When you get accustomed to certain sounds, songs or bands some covers really come up short. But this got me to thinking – I know, I try not to think too much, but I had to this morning.
When U2 eventually stops making music (I’m referring to death, not the reunion tours, the senior home tours and the depends sponsored tours that the Rolling Stones have done) more bands will do covers and the next generation of fans will be born. Bands will do U2 covers to new listeners, those listeners will then get turned onto the original band and it will be a new sound, even though it may be decades old. Or, because they don’t know the original song will they later not like the U2 version?
In the end I think what will impact people most is the fact that Bono looks like he’s Robin William’s brother.

*I also know you like rice cakes with butter and salt on them. Yup, I know my readers really, really well.
Surprise! Nobody Wants a Caliber
Just in case you wanted to hear about how crappy Dodge Calibers are: DaimlerChrysler’s sales have plummeted this last month. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
Look out for Outlook
I have been using outlook at the request of client. What a pain in the rear-end. Its like a pretend mail client. It is like driving an SUV in an Indy race. Sure, its a larger engine in size and weight, but the body also is heavy, the performance is weak and the thing is going to be
lapped by every car on the track within minutes. By every car I mean every other client including the web based client I work on for the client that requested I use Outlook, Thunderbird and carrier pigeon.
Some Links to Some MP3’s
I have found these two MP3’s on the topic of Marriage to be fantastic. They’re from a Christian philosopher by the name Ravi Zacharias.
These MP3’s address arranged marriages and love. Its good stuff 🙂
7 Things in 7 Days: Day 1
There is a meme going around the internets wherein people are revealing 100 things about them in 100 days. I’m shallow or something because I can hardly think of one thing to tell people about me in one day let alone one hundred. So, therefore I’ve shortened mine to a managable list. Today’s nifty thing about Randy that should scare the pooh-pooh out of people is:
I often tell people I’m a horrible liar [when the conversation mysteriously goes that direction]. I then go on with a story about my mom telling me and my cousin not to go down to the corner store and buy candy when we’re done with our paper routes and then we did anyway but we ate all of the candy before going inside – my mom walked outside to find my cousin cramming the last of the junk into his face and I got in trouble. But the truth is that that is a lie. Not the story about me and my cousin, but the truth is that I would lie to the judge and jury [not really if I ever go to court] if I thought it was a good joke. I love a good joke and so if deception is part of the joke at first, I could boldly, blatantly and smilingly lie to impact the humor of the punch line.
This has, of course, backfired on me a few times like when I was in college and my friends were at another college. I called up my friend Robin and told her that Jessica and I were alloping. That was all good and fun until my other friend, Sean, said that it really hurt her and that she was crying in the middle of her college classes. Furthermore my ex-girlfriend Cindy was Robin’s roommate and Cindy, probably hating my guts or looking for a way to get back at me, corroborated with Sean and said that Robin had been all broken up about it. In the end my accomplice, Sean, had turned the tables on me and got me all broken up about hurting Robin… lies are from the devil.
And if my girls ever read this: I know the truth about every lie you’ve ever told me – be afraid, be very afraid.
Reese Roper Version five-hundred
Reese Roper from Five Iron Frenzy, Brave Saint Saturn and Roper has a garage (or hallway) band: Trash Oven. Feel free to give it a listen, they have free MP3’s, but I will warn you they’re goofy [gasp, I’m sure his fans are surprised]. Satire isn’t one of Reese’s week points.