This morning I did announcements and sung along with the songs (though it was not like when I traditionally lead the worship). Part of this responsibility is reading the passage that will be taught on in its entirety so that people have a general idea of where we’re at in the series (currently Isaiah). I had to read a passage in Isaiah 22. Except that when I got to the 24th verse that reads:
So they will hang on him all the glory of his father’s house, offspring and issue, all the least of vessels, from bowls to all the jars.
I screwed up. Instead of ‘bowls’ out popped ‘bowels.’ I don’t know what mental image that brings for you, but I quickly corrected myself and went on. Wow. Bowels. Pardon me while I mention that was a “crappy” slip up [that play on words was for Jenny Dalton, who will more than likely not actually read this post].
I was exhausted by the end of the main service because I had to teach on the errors of Christian Science (an MP3 can be downloaded/streamed at that link) during the adult Sunday School class. Then I had to lead the main service (as mentioned before) and to end it all I had managed to talk or sing for over an hour and a half. That’s a lot for a guy who quietly sits in front of a computer desk most of the time and doesn’t engage in hardly enough social activity. However, there is just something fun about slip ups like this for others, they get to see that Randy Peterman is most definitely human, and that the folks that are leading are not there to put on a show.
I think perhaps you were flashing back to Renate Ray and the day she asked me to the bowels on the table for lunch!