This Has Got To Stop!

As revealed in this article it is clear that baseball players need to stop reporting the wrong age. Sure, steroids are an issue, but we have got to stop reporting that various players are certain ages that they are not. The last thing the public needs is heroes that are younger and older than they are.

Since Kirby Puckett not actively playing any more none of my baseball cards will have the right date for his birth.

And believe it or not between my brother and I we have multiple Kirby Puckett baseball cards. I don’t know that they’ll go up in value or not though just due to this scandal of age discrpency.

Being a Christian Does Not Mean Being Self Righteous

Reading this article “Foes, soldier’s mother counter protesters at funeral” made me sick. As a Christian I find the actions of some who call themselves Christians (and undoubtedly some of them are, grace covers all sins, even those yucky ones you don’t want to talk about or that offend others) to be repulsive. If they think that God is striking this country down because it politically tolerates homosexuality then they can move to another, more righteous, country! But instead they insist that they will turn it around through mockery, insults and what could never be described as evangelism. Speaking of which Evangelism means ‘spreading the good news.’ How on earth do they present the good news at a funeral wherein they insult the decesed, the mother and all those attending? “Jesus doesn’t love you,” seems the wrong message to me.

So, I’m glad to say that the truth of the Christian message is that we all sin, but that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Even those of the homosexuals, those of the sickos who drag His name through the dirt at funerals, those who speed 5 miles an hour over the speed limit and those who rape murder and steel. Christ came to love – these people need to learn that.

The HD Boycott Begins Now

I’m not a huge fan of TV, I don’t like the content that’s often shown (which makes Personal Video Recorders handy because I can record shows on at all hours of the night). Recent announcements show that High Definition Television (HDTV) will include massive Digital Rights Management (DRM) features that will prevent people from manipulating the content on their devices or moving them to other devices. Please read: The HD Boycott Begins Now

JVC – Model GZ-MG30

They’re Here! JVC – Model GZ-MG30 are camcorders that start, and remain digital. They’re hard drive based video recorders and they are going to be ubiquitous in the next 10 years or my name’s not mud Randy Peterman. I have spent hours of computer time recording video onto computers and the editing afterword is time intensive as well. These sort of devices will remove one of those steps and allow for much greater efficiency.

Opera 8.5

I’m a Firefox user due to my love for many of its features. Opera 8.5, a different browser, was released earlier this week. This is the first recent version of Opera that is free [they had a free version that had banner ads at the top]. I’m rather impressed in general, but it lacks a certain familiarity for me since I knew many/most of the shortcut keys in Firefox. I’ll probably switch back to Firefox, but I just thought I’d let you know this is out there because most anything is better than Internet Exploder 🙂

Cow Room

Check out my sister-in-law’s cowroom shirt site.

This is one of many shirts to come with funny Chinese->English translations. The first says in Chinese “I have no clue what this means” and then the same in English. You can’t go wrong with that – its funny to all parties who understand at least one of the languages!