Being a Christian Does Not Mean Being Self Righteous

Reading this article “Foes, soldier’s mother counter protesters at funeral” made me sick. As a Christian I find the actions of some who call themselves Christians (and undoubtedly some of them are, grace covers all sins, even those yucky ones you don’t want to talk about or that offend others) to be repulsive. If they think that God is striking this country down because it politically tolerates homosexuality then they can move to another, more righteous, country! But instead they insist that they will turn it around through mockery, insults and what could never be described as evangelism. Speaking of which Evangelism means ‘spreading the good news.’ How on earth do they present the good news at a funeral wherein they insult the decesed, the mother and all those attending? “Jesus doesn’t love you,” seems the wrong message to me.

So, I’m glad to say that the truth of the Christian message is that we all sin, but that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Even those of the homosexuals, those of the sickos who drag His name through the dirt at funerals, those who speed 5 miles an hour over the speed limit and those who rape murder and steel. Christ came to love – these people need to learn that.

3 thoughts on “Being a Christian Does Not Mean Being Self Righteous

  1. You know what is good to use in evangelism? The Law! The law to the proud and grace to the humble as Living Waters/Way of the Master will state.

  2. Yes, the law does prove the need for salvation, but we don’t know the state of those people other than broken at the loss of their relative. Being verbally abusive doesn’t represent Jesus Christ in this situation.

  3. Right I would agree that there is a time and a place. I believe there is a proper way to give the gospel at a funeral. We are often reminded that 10 out of 10 people die. Everyone is doing it! And yet that could also be a perfect time to remind us of our future…will I go to heaven? I would agree that there is a time and a place and one must be gentle when someone is grieving.

    All I happen to be pointing out is that when witnessing I have learned that using the law to reach the conscience is a great tool. To understand more you could look into Way of the Master or Living Waters. “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” is a great eye-opening sermon to understand the state of the lost and how to effectively share your faith to those whom you don’t know that are headed to hell.

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