Its Like Being Dead, Only Different

I’m still here.  I’ve been working like a crazy man for the last month and some days.  I have re-written three interfaces in that time and I’m rather pooped.  I’m heading out on a business trip tomorrow morning (which is probably when you’re reading this) and will be on call for the whole trip to do work related things.  I’m hoping to get some sleep somewhere soon.  In the meantime please consider looking at pictures of things like barbed wire, my girls, or this.

If you’re in the mood some praying for my well being would be much appreciated as in 6 hours or so I’ll be getting up to begin the day’s traveling.  I’ll try not to whine since I’m blessed to be employed, blessed to have a great family, and blessed to get to see friends in Texas.

Blazing In

Evie came blazing into our room in all of her two year old amazingness. Without pants on. When asked where her pants were she simply replied, “My legs are not cold.” Surely not with all of the blazing going on.

They’re Merely Five and Two

Tonight we went looking for a present for Jessica’s upcoming thirtieth birthday.  Abby and Evie and I went out on the ‘hunt.’  Abby kept eyeing rather expensive jewelry at the Target.  “That looks beautiful, lets get that!.”  I had to gently tell her no because the budget was not in the $120 range for the girls’ gift.  Evie liked everything that sparkled.  Upon discovering that Target didn’t have anything but a Wii, which I wanted to buy “for Jessica” but did not, we headed off to Kohl’s to find some jewelry there at Abby’s request.

At Kohls she spotted a pair of ear rings that had a strand of rainbow colored glass embedded in them.  A rainbow that certainly catches the eyes of the young onlookers.  I totally disappointed her by saying that mommy would probably not have an outfit to go with the ear rings.  Needless to say we did not find any jewelry at Kohl’s either because what the five year old liked the two year old didn’t like.  What the five and two year old liked daddy didn’t like.  And what daddy liked the five and two year old were sure would make mom look ‘boring’.  Next time we go out I’m bringing cash and eash one of them will get to pay for their respective gifts, and it’ll help them learn that the $400.00 necklace is really out of their reach.

We walked to the register with Abby telling me that she had enough money in her piggy bank at home for the gift she wished we were buying.  I love her confidence, we just need to work on the financial math 🙂

Thankful Thursday: Listy Edition

Yesterday I watched the girls playing outside. Evie had been bundled up and put on one of her hats (I should have taken a picture) with little bits of material spiking out atop it. Abby was running about playing in the small remnants of snow as she likes to do even though we tell her to avoid the mud. Jessica was doing something in the kitchen next to me (I believe dishes were being put away, but I don’t recall clearly enough). Life was good. I’m very, very blessed to have the family that I do.

I’m thankful for

  • My family
  • My friends
  • My clients
  • My church
  • My Bible study group
  • My blogs
  • My house
  • My general health (parasite aside)
  • My country (wacky as some of it may be)
  • Pictures to remember much of this by
  • The imagination I’ve been given
  • You for reading this

Sitting in the Waiting Room

My brain is still on vacation due to the last remaining strains of this cold I’ve had. After a week and a few days I had hoped I would be over this stupid thing. I somehow feel like its a side effect of running Windows or something. My anti-virus didn’t catch something.

Either way: we’re feeling somewhat better around here, its just that we’re not all better all the way. Evie and Abby will run and jump and play no matter what they feel like (other than the flu, which causes Evie to snuggle me just long enough to throw up on me), but they do sound mostly better. If all goes well they’ll be right as rain tomorrow and we’ll have to velcro them back up onto the wall in intervals to have things be quiet again 🙂

The Sickness: Part II

Tonight I got a new keyboard.  Its a new Apple Wireless thingy.  You see, I had to get a new one because the old one received the puke of a two year old.  I’m feeling sick, Jessica is feeling sick, Abby is feeling sick, and Evie is most definitely sick.  Even Kurt & Becky are under the weather.  The sickness is annoying to say the least.  We missed church, we missed being with some friends whom we wanted to see… but we didn’t miss going out to the grocery store to buy things that will hype us up so that we can feel half-awake instead of mostly dead.

I have to fly tomorrow morning (Monday) so I’m super-excited to spread germs, receive germs, and generally make those around me miserable or question the safety of my company.  The good thing is that this new keyboard should cause me great discomfort for a few days in the hands department so that at least most of me is funky instead of just one part.*

By the way, too much vitamin C is actually diarhea inducing.  I know this because in Jr. High I fed my friend too much vitamin C because he liked the ‘cherry’ flavor of the C I had.  Little did he know that his immune system would kill most anything with that boost, but the explosive gastro-intestinal boost would kill his chances of getting a girlfriend.  Sorry, Matt 🙂

*I’m used to an ergonomic keyboard and this is not, but since my laptop is also not ergo, its good to get used to the ‘old’ style as needed.

Trashing Her Own Plug

Evie threw her plug away today.  Her plug is also known as a pacifier or binky in other names, but either way, Evie put it in the garbage after her afternoon nap as we had told her she was a big girl and it was time to no longer sleep with it.  She had a hard time with things in the evening and even suggested we dig it out of the trash.  Being hygienically oriented, we did not dig it out of the trash.  She got up out of bed several times, but has not cried a whole lot.  She’s mostly wanted comfort for the loss of her friend.

This is a lot like Abby’s haircut, its one of those life events that is small but has some significance.  Evie is no longer a baby, she’s no longer just a toddling little kid, she’s able to do a lot of things and has developed fine motor skills.  Her vocabulary has much more growth left, but she can often communicate just what she is after.  This little girl is moving onto the next stage in life and I’m afraid that means that she’s all but left her baby and toddling ways and is now in process towards becoming an adult.  She’s hurtling through childhood and I think we’re in for a big series of life events – a series that will involve clothes, bikes, school and of course hot dogs and macaroni and cheese 🙂

Update: Girls Still Kinda Sick

We skipped church today because the girls are still not 100%.  Yesterday we were driving to the library thinking everyone was still better and then Evie puked twice as much stuff as is physically possible to fit into a body her size all over herself and the inside of our car (can you say, “yucky,” class?).  Then Abby came into our room this morning and announced that she wasn’t feeling well again.  Basically the sickness sticks with us, but I’m going to watch the Super Bowl this evening in an attempt to find out if my acquaintance, Shaun O’Hara, leads his New York Giants to victory, or if he’ll have to settle for having just gone to the Super Bowl.

Two Sick Girls

Jessica and I slept poorly last night as both girls were taking turns waking us up to hurl.  Its very, very difficult to watch your babies be sick.  Pray for them (its probably just a 24 hour bug, but either way, its tough), and us.  We don’t want to get sick, and we don’t want to have to watch our girls be sick either.

On the upside they still have a healthy appetite despite uneating shortly after eating.

W00t! Potty Training Week

This week is potty training week for Evie.  Its the switch to panties that she loves.  Evie digs the panties because they’re for ‘big girls.’  The fascinating part is that she hasn’t had an accident this morning.  Mostly because we’ve stuck her on the toilet every 34 seconds to make sure she doesn’t have an accident.  I’m not keeping score, but its great to save about $15.00 a week in diapers.