The 6yo said today, “I went to the nurse, but all she gave me was some water. She’s a really bad nurse.” The 6yo has a cold and no other needs of any sort. I would suggest that the nurse does a fine job, and the 6yo needs to adjust her standards.
Category Archives: Evie-ism
Logic Problems
The four year old just shared this bit of logical gymnastics:
Sharks are fish. So you could call all fish sharks.
I’m going to pass on doing that. I’m also not going to bother her with the explanation of why that is not logically consistent.
Four Year Old On Management
At breakfast Grandma said, “When we’re done eating we’re all going to work together to clean up the house.” About 45 minutes later the 4 year old asks, “Why is grandpa on his computer instead of cleaning? Is he the manager?” I totally wish I could make this stuff up.
For the record grandpa did help with the cleaning.
Funny Evie Quote
My sister-in-law Kelsey took Evie on an Auntie – Niece date and asked Evie, “How did you get so big?”
Evie’s response was classic: “You tell me.”
Yup, she’s four!
She’s getting so big its blowing my mind. Don’t get me started on Abby, who is also just turning into a big girl and has all but lost everything that made her a little girl. Being a dad is awesome, but this growing up bit is mind boggling.
“Daddy, two light bulbs in the bathroom are not light bulbing.”-Evie
Evie puts on Sunglasses and says, “This way the sun can’t see my eyes.”
Evie said to me, “Daddy, I’m getting another sick.”
Sadly it is true. She’s got another runny nose.
Evie came into my office, crawled up onto my laps and then asked, “Where are your singers?”
“My what?”
“Singers.” She gestured with her hands covering her ears. “For music.”
Oh! Headphones. Headphones that faithfully reproduce the sounds of singers. I love this little girl.
Evie said to me this evening, “I just want to leave myself alone.”
There’s really nothing to add to that.
So Tall
Evie is getting so big now its unbelievable. She’s doing things with more sophisication and she’s trying really hard to speak clearly about larger concepts like this:
“I’m getting so tall, just like sissy.”
It makes my daddy heart beat with a little bit more sorrow to think that they’re growing up, but with pride because they’re so amazing. Evie is pretty well potty trained, she’s reaching things that were out of reach before (which is a blessing and a curse, I suppose), and she’s still little enough to snuggle us. She’s getting so tall like her sister, and I’m loving every minute of it, even the tough parts.