Thankful Thursday: Lotsa Family

This week has been a tough family week for various reasons, I’m not going to blog all of the details other than to say that I love my family.  Extended, immediate, far, near or otherwise.  I love you all a ton.  Last night I slept half the night in Evie’s new twin bed (with her snuggled up next to me) so that she could sleep and I could sleep.  I love her lots and am thankful for her, even if at two in the morning she was screaming her head off because she didn’t want to sleep in the new bed that cost us money that she can’t comprehend.  Hopefully today will have a good daytime nap she likes on the bed, and tonight we’ll have her sleep happily in it.


My sister is pregnant, which is a highly exciting part of life for uncles, aunts and cousins-to-be.  Because she’s so early in her pregnancy they don’t know what gender the baby will be and so my sister and brother-in-law have taken to calling the baby ‘Paco’ while they wait on the gender and then can call the baby several names that they have longer term attachment to [by several I mean they have names picked out, but it depends on the gender.  Get it?].

Yesterday morning Evie walked up to Jessica, lifted
up her shirt, pointed to her tummy and said, “I have a Paco, too!”

Lord, I pray Evie does not have a Paco, too.  Not just yet, at least.

Sleeping in the Bed She Didn’t Make

Evie is getting big.  And by big I mean growing up, not fat.  You have to be careful how you talk about women because they can get sensitive about that kind of stuff.  Anyway, Evie is growing up and she’s outgrowing the crib/child’s bed that she’s been in since she was a newborn.  She’s two for goodness sake and I’d hate for her to go to college and tell other students, “My parents saved money by not buying me a new bed.”  So tonight Jessica and I went to the mattress store and ordered her a mattress.

She will be sleeping in a bed she won’t know how to make for a while, but its time she gets a bed that will last her for a while and one she can grow into.  I wanted to buy her an iBed, but Apple doesn’t make one.  I could buy her a Windows Imobile bed to help prevent sleep walking, but I’d hate to have it blue screen while she’s asleep and scare her.  There are open source alternatives, but since coding springs is hard and less fun than the foam the only project I could find had temporary code in place that simulated springs, but didn’t offer actual support.  Therefore I just bought a physical bed that serves the purpose and builds a foundation for her little body to grow in.

She’s getting so big, its kinda sad, but in a good, fatherly sort of way.  She’s also figured out that she can do things herself, the problem is that she hasn’t figured out which things those are so anything we try to do for her gets a fight because she wants to do it.  She’s a teenager about 11 years too soon.  But at least she doesn’t want us to do everything for her 🙂  Except make her bed, that is.

Two’fer: Evie

Last night as soon as we got into our car after having a wonderful evening with my family we smelled a ‘smell.’

“Who tooted?,” I asked.

Without skipping a beat Evie said, “You.”

It wasn’t me I swear.

The other funny thing

Evie is symmetry girl.  If you tickle one foot you must also tickle the other.  If you touch one hand she’ll want you to touch the other.  If you kiss one cheek, then the other must be kissed.  Its actually pretty good because I figure that means we get to participate in double the affection.

Baby Squirrel

Evie is getting cute with her phrases.  Evie-isms will be on their way quite soon I think.  Today, just now as I was in the kitchen, she said, “Awww, Sirl.  Baby Sirl, where are you?”  She was referring to squirrels.  But the ‘qu’ combo is a bit much for her so she just cuts them out.  Its cute and it makes me smile.  Of course if she’s still calling them sirls in 5 years we’ll have issues.

Evie is TWO!

Evelyn turned two today.  Yes, those terrible twos.  The twos that make an intense little girl intenser.  She’s a very cute intense girl and I love her dearly.  We’re having the tiniest of ‘parties’ tonight by having family over and that’s about it.  Next year when she’s older we may do a larger party, but she doesn’t tend to be a people person yet so we’ll see.  Her blond hair, her cute blue eyes and her ability to distract me.  We love her very, very much and can’t wait to see what two brings.Evie and Daddy being funny

Cutest Little Girl Ever

Evie is sitting on her knees behind me.  Quiet.  Everyone else is asleep in the house, they’re taking naps.  I looked behind me and she had her fingers overlapped.  I asked her what she was doing.

“Praying.”  At nearly two I don’t have a clue what she’s praying about but it super cute.