I have been driving Abby to school this week. Evie has come along for the ride. There have been geese in a field on the way to school but this morning they were gone. I asked Evie if she could see any geese. She could not, but she did tell me, “I can smell the poop of the geese.”
Category Archives: Evie
Department of Redundancy Department
Evie said, “I can say Mobile Street: Mobile Street.” Yeah, that’s pretty cute.
Evie came into my office, crawled up onto my laps and then asked, “Where are your singers?”
“My what?”
“Singers.” She gestured with her hands covering her ears. “For music.”
Oh! Headphones. Headphones that faithfully reproduce the sounds of singers. I love this little girl.
Evie said to me this evening, “I just want to leave myself alone.”
There’s really nothing to add to that.
So Tall
Evie is getting so big now its unbelievable. She’s doing things with more sophisication and she’s trying really hard to speak clearly about larger concepts like this:
“I’m getting so tall, just like sissy.”
It makes my daddy heart beat with a little bit more sorrow to think that they’re growing up, but with pride because they’re so amazing. Evie is pretty well potty trained, she’s reaching things that were out of reach before (which is a blessing and a curse, I suppose), and she’s still little enough to snuggle us. She’s getting so tall like her sister, and I’m loving every minute of it, even the tough parts.
They Are Growing So Up
My Best Fan
This evening, over far too many minutes, I installed a ceiling fan in Evie’s room. I had to install a support rod with complementary electrical box first. Insulation fell all over me – I itched then, I’m itching now. I somehow missed one of the steps in the installation and had to back track to fix the missed step. Screws fell from the fan as I was trying to put them in. All sorts of frustrations.
It was all better though when Evie looked up at the spinning blades with Jessica by her side and said proudly, “That’s my best fan.” She was so pleased to have a fan in her room that I could only enjoy the smile and the pleasure that my work, irritated as I had become, had brought about. She loves that it spins and I love that she loves it.
Tomorrow night I get to install Abby’s, but I’ll be applying the lessons learned, so hopefully it’ll be less messy, and less irritating. It’ll be my best fan for one of my best girls.
My Children are Insane with a Capital N
Warning: this post contains lots of non sequiturs, I’m tired, and non sequiturs make me chuckle when I’m tired. I’d ask if you follow what I”m saying except that that’s what a non sequitur is. Elephants wander through the African planes and such.
Both girls have been in a mild to extreme melt-down mode since coming home from Indiana. I’m pretty sure this is due to the fact that Jessica and I have also been in punt mode. We’ve had a lot going on and when that happens we end up punting a lot. If you’re not familiar with the punt analogy it ties in with the popular American sport called American Football. Its called American Football because the rest of the world calls it American Football because they had a sport called football long before the Americans who took Rugby, Football, Sumo Wrestling and the Civil War and combined them together so that only very fast, large men (and now, apparently fast, large women) can mash into one another like two over-loaded sports cars while one smaller, but still huge man attempts to throw the ball to another smaller, not as huge man who runs even faster than the other fast runners in an attempt to not be killed by oncoming fast, large men. This is, in short, American Football.
In American Football there’s a really nice thing that happens: the teams share the ball and take turns having ‘possession’ of the ball. Possession is a loose term because each team could find themselves running with the ball, in fear of being creamed by the other team, lose the ball and then do what’s called fumbling the ball and then recovering the dropped ball, which means that they might still have possession even though they temporarily did not have possession. After enough time lapses where the team who had possession didn’t do anything useful with the ball, they might have what’s called a fourth down. The fourth down follows the first through third down. The number of downs you have depends on the number of severely injured fowl you have as well as fouls that may have been committed by players added together with the number of yards the football has traveled in a subjectively positive direction. Upon the fourth down, if the team who has possession of the ball decides that they’re too close to the scoring end-zone of the opposing team they can do what’s called punting. Punting is to kick the ball to the other end of the field but not into the scoring end-zone, just up close to it. The returning, opposing team then catches the ball and the player who catches the ball hopefully runs a long, long way so that they get back closer to the original end-zone so that they can get a touchdown. A touchdown has nothing to do with the downs mentioned earlier. So the punt is a scrambled maneuver that is only done to prevent the other team from scoring and is generally looked at as a last resort maneuver.
Since Jessica and I have been resorting to the punt for the last couple weeks due to some unforeseen circumstances, work, and a general sense of being whelmed (not over or under, but relatively pegged) the girls have probably felt like the football being kicked from one end of the field as we play American Football with each day. This is why Evelyn threw a screaming temper tantrum as we were entering the fine Costco store this evening to collect small, specific bits of food for Father’s Day this weekend. Food that will keep us going in our punting, punting that will keep us from scoring, but keep the other team from scoring. Scoring which makes us like John Williams, who does not play American Football.
Royal Humor
This last Sunday on our drive home from Indiana Evie said something hilarious: “You’re welcome your royal highnesty!” Highnesty, its a great combo word and I wish I could think of a practical place to use it 🙂