It Can’t Be Done

How many things in your day are you pre-loading with the assumption “it can’t be done.”?

How right are you with that assumption?  I’m guessing you’re probably wrong.

If it’s too hard, too long, too stressful, too much work, too (insert excuse here) you’re probably justifying that which you should question.

Happy Birthday, Becks!


Today is my sister’s birthday.  It turns out that once a person reaches a certain age you’re supposed to say, “Happy 29th birthday!,” no matter how old they actually turned.  You’re supposed to start that when they’re 27, right? [I know her actual age, but I’m not sharing out of respect for her privacy].  w00t!

Merry Christmas!

Normally I’d write some very sentimental message right here, but today I’m going to just link you over to Cake Wrecks.  Now I’ll say this: Thanks for pulling with us during 2011 – it’s been quite a year with lots of firsts and some hopefully lasts, and maybe even a laugh or two.  As for now: may your Christmas be heavenly focused, and may your time with your family not need spiked eggnog.  And if you don’t get time with family may you get time with friends.  And if you don’t get time with family or friends may you get it before or after.  And if you’re an exception to that: I’m sorry.

Question of the week: What was the best part of 2011?

Drive Me Crazy: Email That is Only a Subject

If you want to drive me bonkers send me an email that is only a subject.  It will make me crazy because most of these emails come in like an awkward text message, but instead of using the body of the message to tell me more information I get nothing.  Blankness is not boldness in this case.  Send me an email with a subject that means something (hopefully within the vein of content that your message body contains) and then a message body that contains full, complete, clear thoughts.  I even prefer paragraphs rather than a stream of consciousness email that is about 6 topics, but has no way for them to be found due to a lack of break in contents.

Yeah, if you send me emails with just subjects I’ll be bothered.  I won’t tell you, but I will tell the Internet.

I’ve Been Reading a Lot Lately

I’ve been reading a lot lately.  Below is the list of books I’ve read since October, almost all of them have been 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.

The Power of Who [5/5] – a great book on the importance of relationships and their use in our growth and achievements as people.  There are people in your life that are willing to help you, are you asking them?  Are you settling for “what else” or are you striving for “what’s more”?

EntreLeadership [5/5] – Dave Ramsey has been known for his personal finance book, “The Total Money Makeover”, but this book on leadership in small-to-medium business is a must read.  Lots of insights into people, planning, and developing a winning culture.

How the Mighty Fall [5/5] – What if you could avoid leading a company into disaster?  What if you were able to turn a company headed for disaster around?  This book has a lot of good material in it and it may be just the awakening that some company leaders need.  Once they read that one, they should read “Great By Choice.”

Great By Choice [5/5] – This great book on what makes companies stand out in a crowd should be read by anyone in the business world looking to evaluate their own company’s success or failure.  The illustrations help make the points in this book and engaging research ties into incredible value for anyone who is looking for direction on how to improve their company and their company’s leadership direction.

Kanban [4/5] – This book is about starting up a “Kanban” or LEAN implementation in a software development environment.  There’s a lot of good material in here, but some of it went on a bit long for me [thus the 4 out of 5 stars].  However, despite needing to be a bit shorter in a few places this book is a must read for anyone looking to bring transparency to their software development projects in a team environment.

I’m also working on Lean Startup and Passionate Performance.  Reports on those are to come!

Principles Inform Practices Which Inform Process

Continuing in my nerdy output of management concepts** I want to highlight an important idea about management processes.

Studs in motion

Imagine a carpenter who took the blueprints for a house, read them once and then never checked back to make sure that all the details were right.  That carpenter built the whole house and upon completion the inspector showed up to review the first phase of the work.  The inspector would require that all the drywall would need to be ripped out so that the plumbing and electrical and structural work was done properly.   In fact if the foundation wasn’t properly inspected they may make you tear the whole house down to the foundation.  The mechanisms in place to make sure that the house can be moved into are strict to make sure that people who move into a house are safe and to confirm that the home will meet the minimum requirements of building code.

Final inspection processes are the worst gating mechanisms as far as efficiency is concerned.  Gating mechanisms are used to control bad output/content/products from hitting the public or releasing into production.  This is part of quality control work, which is important.  However, often decisions are made that trump the processes and I’d like to address that idea here.

Principles are basic assumptions that lead to actions for the individual.  If a company has hired an employee who has either under-developed, compromised, or incorrect principles then the outcome will be under-developed, compromised or incorrect.  This applies to me as much as anyone else as an employee.  I’ve had bugs in software because I compromised on my principles for the sake of time or in response to perceived pressure and the outcome was compromised [read: bugs in the code].  Instead I needed to work with the discipline and conviction that were the principles I knew.  This would involve test driven development, careful use of the tools that I had, and doing things the ‘right’ way.  Software Craftsmanship principles that lead to a quality outcome over and over.

Principles lead to practices – they’re things that I do and tell other people about so that when they’re doing what they do they might consider changing their practices based on the principles I’ve informed them of.  Maybe they add test driven development to their repertoire.  Maybe they break changes down into better modules of code so as to make it more  testable.  Maybe they teach me a principle so that I can do a better job because my personal craftsmanship toolbox is added to.  In the end the principles lead to best practices that are applied and expected between myself and the community of developers (or team) that I work with.

Processes – being required/enforced by an outside party (management, C?O’s, clients) – should almost appear as an afterthought.  They should be affirmed, but they should never trigger a gating situation.  Internal processes should exist, but should not come up as tests or mechanisms that lead to surprises.  Instead the value of  the process is to confirm that the right principles and the right practices were in place.  You see if the wrong principles and practices are in place then the technicians employing their trade can either figure out a way to bypass them, or they’ll slow down the whole race to completion of work because they ignored them and the problems weren’t discovered until the end.  If processes are finding issues then the principles and practices should be addressed first because they are the location of the problem.  You don’t need more processes, you need quality in the principles and practices of your team.

I’m learning this about myself the hard way – so this isn’t something that I’ve known all along, it is what I’ve seen in myself.  More processes will just slow down the final work of your team as they reach a release.  However, if the team is not responsive to education and learning proper craftsmanship principles and embracing practices of maturing craftsmen (and craftswomen) then they’re not going to be helped by more processes.  They may be a bad fit for your company or project.

Make sure you know the blue prints.  Make sure you know the best way to do things.  And for heavens sake, don’t let the inspector find your mistakes and make you do the work again – do it right the first time.

** ignoring that a majority of my readers are family who could probably care less

She’s a Bad Nurse

The 6yo said today, “I went to the nurse, but all she gave me was some water.  She’s a really bad nurse.”  The 6yo has a cold and no other needs of any sort. I would suggest that the nurse does a fine job, and the 6yo needs to adjust her standards.