Frontier Airlines: Big Business Means Little Customers

I have flown on Frontier Airlines for five or six years now, not so much in the beginning, but the last three years have seen almost all of my airline travelling business go through them.  They were generous in the beginning and their staff was friendly and accomodating.  I would not get the level of service that that Frontier offered from any other airline with any consistency (and most definitely not for the price).  However, in the last year they’ve gone ‘big business’ on me.  The bottom line and making money now in larger amounts is apparently more important to them than my long term business.

I’m a very loyal consumer.  When I have a bad experience I very rarely cut off my business with a company.  Sometimes I’ll go back a second and even third time to make sure it wasn’t an off-day, or a new employee that threw me for a loop.  When I have a good or better experience with a company or restaurant I often tell people about it and readers of this blog have gotten ‘an eyeful’ of reviews.  Frontier has gotten many recommendations from me in the past by word of mouth and by forwarded emails to others when they’re running a special.

Not so much any more with Frontier.  I’m going to shop around and if they happen to have the better deal I’ll take it, but my loyalty is no longer with them unless after contacting customer service they’ve rectified the situation.  Employee attitude can make a company or break a company, and the employees that I have dealt with on the business side of things have just been lousy the last year.  I’m sorry to have to break from my loyalty, but there comes a time when this sort of thing happens and sitting around to be treated like a number is only permissable from the government – they’re the only ‘legal’ monopoly.