Wahoo’s Fish Tacos

For lunch today Mike and I ate at Wahoo’s Fish Tacos. Dude. Whoa. It’s like California imported a restaurant and culture to Greenwood Village. The food was good but I kept saying (until Mike told me that if I mentioned it again he’d leave) that the place was totally California. I had chicken because I think that fish is not fit for human consumption if it is not eaten within about 3 hours from being pulled from the water and 30 minutes from the ocean.

They had this lovely green sauce that I can only describe as looking like green goddess dressing but having a spicy tang like wasabi. I heartily recommend this restaurant for people looking for California but being lost in any other part of the US or people who like to eat decently priced tasty food in a similar vein to Chipotle but not being so Mexican. Therefore, if you like food, and I know that most readers of this blog do, then you should check this out. I think that they have a vegetarian dish for those of you who like to avoid meat. Of course the food is based on the idea that carbohydrates are not from Satan and the caloric intake is not a bad thing. I recommend that people try the green stuff… whatever it’s called… because its tasty.

2 thoughts on “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos

  1. It is actually further from me now, but only by 15 minutes or so. If I had a really, really expensive telephoto lens (and the camera to match it) I could take amazing photos from my parent’s 5th story apartment. It has a relatively unimpeded view of the Rockies and is so wonderful to look out from. My mom really wants to move into a place of their own, but I know why my dad has postponed it so long: the view is so cool 🙂

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