Within Two Weeks

I just unsubscribed to an email newsletter from the Kodak corporation.  One I did not expect to receive.  One that should NOT be coming to my work email address.  The fine folks there made me jump through hoops to unsubscribe from their email, something that should be simple to do.  The ’email preferences’ part of their site didn’t even offer me the opportunity to unsubscribe, but their privacy section did offer me a link, in smaller print, to a place to insert multiple email addresses to unsubscribe from.

I got the ‘unsubscribed’ email to confirm the unsubscription.  It told me that I’d most likely be unsubscribed within two weeks.  I think that’s because the squirrels have to carry the message out from the large oak tree that the server is running in and carry the unsubscribe request to the carrier pigeons who fly to the coast where they then give it to gophers who burrough into Kodak’s secret email spamming center to have the name removed.  That can take time.  But two weeks?  That’s silly.

One thought on “Within Two Weeks

  1. A) Saying those silly things covers them from litigation (because spam litigation does happen).

    Two) They may have outsourced their spam … er … bulk marketing thus the squirrel-pigeon-gopher scenario would not be so far-fetched.

    What kills me is that I can NOT get a unsubscribed from a couple of conservative activist mailing lists for which I did not sign up. These folks are doing good work and spreading good information, but three of four emails a day was just killing me. Why the heck would such an organization be so guilty of spamming?!

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