My Bonk Account Has a Dent in It

Well, today at almost exactly noon we got into a car accident.  By that I mean someone rear-ended our Honda.  Ironically we were rear-ended about the same place that someone backed into our car [that’s a guess] in a hit & run some years back.  However, this time due to the motion and non motion of the two cars and the fact that a butterfly in central park had flapped its wings bringing the chaos theory into full motion (which assumes that chaos is in play at all, but is mostly just a joke, so put your Calvinist handbook down), the back part of the car is in much worse shape.  The bumper, the rear quarter-panel and the trunk are all smashed together into a shape that I can only describe, in the words of Abby, as broken.  The lights don’t light, the trunk won’t really shut, the part of the bumper that is supposed to get bumped in such a case is touching the ground in a friendly manner.

No one was injured, though Jessica’s neck is sore, so we’ll have to have that looked at on Monday.  Both cars were able to move out of the way after the connection and the gal who hit us was kind and we exchanged most of the important information in rough, but legible handwriting.  I say rough because my writing is horrendous, but also because both of us were a bit jarred and our adrenaline was at higher levels than normal.  I hope and pray that the insurance companies do their best to get things resolved quickly.  I’ll post pictures later when I have a moment to take them [Evie sitting right now, so I need to NOT go outside].

Abby wasn’t in the car, we were going to pick her up from the Recreation center where she had gone to a princess party for local girls (and trans-gender boys).  She was quite upset that our car was broken but hopes now that this will lead to the sublime world of mini-van ownership 😉

4 thoughts on “My Bonk Account Has a Dent in It

  1. Transgender boys…?? ROFL

    Noooo! Nooooooo!! You’re not joining into the Mini-Van-Brigade, are you??? I’m firmly resisting even the most un-subtle hints from Dh…! (Is that wrong?)

    Hi, my name is Gina. I have 3 kids and I will NOT drive a mini-van. Will. Not. Savvy? 😉

  2. And you do know that “bonk” is a bad word in England, right?

    So…if I were in England, I should be offended. *looks shocked* lol

  3. I think that its safe to say that, whatever ‘bonk’ may mean in England, I didn’t mean anything nasty. Unless of course that the bonk on my car was nasty, bloody, and I was glad that I had clean pants on! [apologies to blog readers who don’t get those Brit jokes, its probably best that you don’t]

  4. Glad you guys are ok! Car accidents are such a pain. Speaking of, how is Jessica’s neck?

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