Grey’s Anatomy

I don’t know if any of you have caught the annoyingly long and stupid looking commercials for the new show called ‘Grey’s Anatomy‘ but every time it goes on I think, “Why am I watching TV?” I also think shortly afterward, is this not ‘Saved by the Bell‘ meets ‘E.R.‘? This show looks like a bunch of kids got dropped into a hospital as if they thought they were going to Barney’s playhouse. And if I have to watch another commercial for a show where two people from work have sex and it makes them feel wonderfully good as if its a new concept for television, I’m going to start printing out all of my spam and sending it to the show’s producer’s teenaged daughters and sons. And if the producers don’t have any of those I’m going to print out my spam and send it to the producer’s mothers (in case they have more than one). And if that doesn’t get things across I’m going to just have to shoot my television. And if that doesn’t work I’m going to take an English class and learn how to right fewer run-on sentences. Oh, and I’ll learn that starting a sentence with ‘And’ is a bad writing no-no. One punishable by forcing the perpetrator to watch hours of television without any reprieve except to go to the bathroom (with a time limit) and only being allowed to eat dry rice cereal with water.

And if that doesn’t work…