Rare Abby Spotting

I haven’t been taking too many photos the last two months due to my really intense work load (which is finally letting up… I think). However, being Easter Sunday, and seeing as how pictures of little girls in pretty dresses are cute, I thought I’d attempt to take one. Silly me. Abby thought that cooperation, while being a word on Sesame Street, was not a good choice. However, this one is probably one of the better of the 6 that I took before giving up and resigning myself to paying others to take pictures of her.
Rare Abby Spotting

I intentionally made this look like one of the photos you’d see that looked old because it covered all of the other low quality parts of the picture like direct sunlight, a crumby background and my frustration. However, you get the idea. It also has that nice 70’s vibe to it if you squint your eyes and turn your monitor off.