The ride home from jury duty was an interesting one.
First I got onto the wrong bus, heading west into the outskirts of Fort Worth.
I live on the East part of Tarrant County… the bus was obviously going the wrong direction.
I asked if I was on the wrong bus and the driver let me off on the next stop and told me to wait across the street.
The next bus coming the other way took me where I needed to go.
On the train I sat near a group of 5 gals who were headed to Dallas.
They warned me that more gals would be getting on at the next stop.
At the next stop 4 more gals got on the train… one was a web developer (and apparently other duties were hers as well).
So I told her about Designing with Web Standards.
Hopefully she’ll get it as it is the brilliant work that other needs to read and apply.
I didn’t get home until 4:20 or so.
I’ve written 3 other articles to put up while I was waiting, tomorrow I’ll enter them into the computer 🙂
Resting in Him,
Randy “un-juror” Peterman