Sad Day in the Peterman Household

No, we didn’t lose a family member, we didn’t lose a pet, we lost the purity of our daughter.
Abby has been fully exposed to Barney the singing purple stupendous dinosaur.
Jessica watched it with her this morning and said that she loved it, that she kept dancing and trying to sing along.
I once had high hopes that Barney would be a creature of the past when my children were around.
Dinosaurs are extinct, yet Barney lives on.

What I’m most concerned with is that the television is being integrated into her daily routine with things like Barney and movies.
Worse is that she sees my (work) laptop and starts calling, “Memo! [Nemo]”
Because I foolishly played Nemo on the laptop to see how the picture looked on it.
The picture was great, it was bright, clear and it made my TV (thanks Tony for that gift so many years ago) look like it was made for display globs of color synchronized to music rather than crisp images.
I don’t know what will happen in the future, we’re probably going to have to set some strict boundaries so that she doesn’t become a boob-tube baby (kinda like test-tube, only completely different).

You’re probably asking yourself, “Randy, how can I help?”
The answer is simple: write your favorite politicians and ask them to…
Oh, wait, you probably don’t have any favorite politicians.
That’s like asking you what your favorite kind of intravenous shot is.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Stupendous” Peterman