We’re Home

Even though we had a good time in IN, we’re back home.
Tomorrow I’ve got to get back to Alt-N where I’ll bust my bum finishing up
WorldClient’s LookOut theme, and then polish off some of the other tasks
I’ve got left to do before the release of MDaemon 7.0.
Jessica and I will have some separation anxiety as I’m going to have to work
a lot of hours between now and February 10th, the tentative release of MD

We’re feeling physically tired and drained of energy.
Last night Abby didn’t sleep well and the flight was not much better for her.
She was supposed to take a nap during the flight, but instead slept for about
25 minutes and then woke up to be semi-difficult for the rest of the 2:05
flight (2 hours and 5 minutes long that is).
Jessica was gracious and gentle with her as always, I get so frustrated and
just want her to stop while Jessica tries to divert her energies elsewhere.
Jessica’s method works better than mine.

I’ve got to go help unpack the bags and then we’re going to take a nap
After the nap we’ve got some errands to run… but then we’ll be home with
some time to watch the Red Dwarf DVDs.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Sleepy Head” Peterman