Flight to Civil Duty


This evening, while winding down, I watched the end of a PBS documentary on the Wright brothers and their first manned flighing machine.
It reminded me that just earlier today I had been on an airplane that was hurtling hundreds of miles and hour over the surface of the earth.
Not just over the surface of the earth but (plus or minus) thirty-two thousand feet above the earth.
The cabin was pressurized, we were served drinks and (tiny) bags of pretzels – twice.
What a thing it is to fly, we take it for granted.

In my great grandpa’s lifetime man went from Kitty Hawk to walking on the moon.
In my lifetime we went from telephones to instant messaging, 8 track to MP3.
Abigail will not know a time before the internet and cellular phones (though she may someday talk about such technologies to the amazement of her children or grandchildren).
God has given us a great intellect, let us use it to His glory!

Jury Duty

In the mail while I was gone came a summons to go to jury duty.
I’m excited and frustrated at the same time.
It is a privelage to exercise my civil duty as a juror (though I have not
been officially selected), but I’ve got a ton of work to do so the loss of
a day or more feels like a beating.
We’ll see, the Lord will take care of the situation and I’ll relaxe knowing
that this is just work for Him either way.
I may have to put in overtime at Alt-N (overtime is not quite the right word)
to get things done, but that is life, and I’ll do my best to serve the
Lord while working at Alt-N.

Resting in Him,

Randy Peterman