New Words in a New Morning

This morning Abigail woke up and was making various noises so we got up and brought her to bed with us.
I said, “Can you say, ‘Good Morning?'”
She said, “Morning.”
I said back, “Can you say, ‘I’m Awake.'”
She said, “Wake.”

What a treat!
This little girl is so much fun.
She gets excited about the dogs and really likes it when they bark.
However, she really likes the cat which she calls ‘kittycat’, and sometimes ‘duck.’
I don’t know if she calls it that because she forgets, or if she just likes ducks, too.

Anyway, we love having fun with our little girl, and we’re having a great time in IN.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Abby’s Dad” Peterman