There are things I don’t tell my children. I tell them to other people’s children, but not my own. At first you’re probably thinking of either something slightly evil or disciplinary. You’d be mistaken. What I don’t tell my own kids about are stunts I did as a kid. The reason? They’ll want to do it, too. If your child does it, I’m not responsible for their actions, you are. If I tell my children they will do it, possibly injure themselves and then I’ll be responsible for fixing my children.
It gets worse.
The problem with too-ness is that once they master the stunt then there’s something more impressive that needs to be figured out. If jumping your bike over or off of a large item is cool, why not jump on or over a car? If climbing in a door jamb is fun, why not also climb up a very dangerous elevator shaft? Children are creative, often more than adults, when it comes to doing more dangerous things. I take precaution in what I tell my children so that they will be safe, too, and probably more safe.