Operation Treadstone

For the fun of it I’ve decided to take advantage of the free 10,000 step a day exercise program. I’m going to try to walk 10,000 steps or more a day. That way, if I calculate correctly, I can increase my ice cream intake to quarts a day instead of my usual summertime intake of half a quart a day.

What are you going to to do participate in my weightloss program? No, not for you, for me? Will you help me walk 10,000 steps a day? For every comment that gets left on this post I will add 100 steps to my daily steps up to 2,000 more steps (or 20 comments, whichever happens first). I’ll add a bonus 100 steps to my daily count if someone can tell me what book the title of this post comes from (besides my wife, who knows this book most likely because she’s read it).


  • Jeremy: +100
  • Rebecca/Becky/My: +200 [right answer for the bonus question]
  • Trint: +200
  • Mom: +100

Total: 10,600 steps a day is now my goal (or roughly over six miles).  Achieved today by an end of the day walk-around-the-sofa-fest.

5 thoughts on “Operation Treadstone

  1. I suppose I could buy a pedometer to see how many steps I take walking to the office kitchen to get donuts each day. 😛

    I’m pretty sure I saw that term in the book of Acts, but I could be wrong.

  2. Thanks Mr. Pants! I had a good laugh today picturing your walking in circles in your living room in that overly-determined-too-much-dorky-arm-swinging kind of way.

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