
I just had a moment of temporary concern for myself.  Not my current self, but my old self.  The one that was a little boy.  My concept of that which was dirty was based solely on my eyes.  I couldn’t see the dirt, therefore it didn’t exist.  I was rolling my fingers on my trackball and reminded of the old game Centipede (its a new experience for me to have a trackball, so the Centipede flashbacks happen regularly still).  Centipede in pizza parlors.  Centipede at restaurants.  Centipede that thousands of grubby hands have touched.  And it was at that point in time that I was concerned that maybe as a kid I ingested a plethora of germs that my immune system kindly warded off.

I think I’m going to go wash my hands and then rub down my keyboard and desk with bleach or hydrochloric acid 😉