I have never had a professional massage before Friday evening. My dad use to work on sore muscles in our backs and necks when we’d get injuries from crazy stunts and such, Jessica has on occassion massaged my back, and ironically my best friend from the fourth grade through High School’s mom was a masseuse – but I never went to her for a massage. So Friday night, as I stated before, I got a massage as part of my recovery from the auto accident. Jessica has been saying how wonderful they are for some time.
The first half had some sensitiviy and pain involved where I was tender and had some deep tension in my muscles, but I couldn’t tell you about the second half: I fell asleep! When living la vida loco it is hard to remember that things like this can reduce stress, reduce pain, and reduce being awake. I don’t know how much a massage costs (this one was part of my treatment) normally, but I have seen them for $45.00 and hour or more, and every couple months this could be the perfect treat and decompression method for me. I’m sold on the idea now.
However, no matter how Jessica talks about getting her nails done, I’m not getting mine done.