Florida, besides having problems with getting their elections right, has problems with producing normal cats [link has picture and video footage].
Category Archives: QuickLinks
GM Adds a Podcast!
The post GM FastLane Blog: Cadillac, Buick Reveals in Chicago contains a podcast of the announcing of the cars (which sounds so much better than ‘reveal’, which is a verb being used as a noun). So I posted about FeedDemon 1.5, and now here’s a chance to test it out (you have downloaded the demo to at least try it haven’t you?) if you’re an auto buff.
Shire Slammed on Drug Move
I really enjoyed the Lord of the Rings books. I also enjoyed the movies. So when I saw Shire Slammed on Drug Move I was pretty upset since I had no idea the hobbits were partaking in such activities. According to the books and movies drugs were purely the realm of orcs, Gollum and Ray Charles.
It turns out that if you go actually read the article that they’re just referencing a pharmaceutical company. What’s up with that? I call that poor reporting.
Dish Washer with Acid Rain
A Gassy dishwasher may cause some women to panic given the already high levels of gas emitting from their husbands. But Wait! There’s only carbon dioxide in this washer and it is really, really innovative. If this thing catches on then Las Vegas hotel/resorts could save millions of dollars. Texas might be able to up the water quality so that you might consider putting it into you. Water bills would go down, electricity bills would go down and the presidential rating would go up. Or not. However, it is really, really neat and I hope that some day I can turn one on and say to my grandkids, “Get your finger out of your nose.”
FeedDemon 1.5 Released
This piece of software has already come with rave reviews from me. Most likely you’ve read about RSS and various other technologies that I like about FeedDemon. Read about FeedDemon 1.5 here. Features that I like include:
- Great support for various feed types
- Podcasting support built in.
- You don’t need an iPod to enjoy podcasting [not really a FeedDemon feature per se, but an important point]
- Scheduled podcast download times
- Filters
- Styles for the viewing of the feeds
- Very easy to use and get started with
- Comes prepopulated with feeds that are not paid for, they’re the best ones Nick feels most comfortable offering to users
So, there you go, yet another pitch from me for you to buy FeedDemon. I don’t make any money from you buying it, I’m just an very satisfied user.
End Times Fiasco
If you thought that end times debates and movies were bad (examples: Water World, The Postman and Dances with Wolves) you should check out this disservice: jacqueline stallone’s rumpology. This is future telling by the tale end. Or to put it another way: How to tell your future with your fanny. I’m sure the puns and such could go on for some time, but I just had to share this insane site.
Fantasy Coffins
Fantasy coffins are not really something that I expected to find in life. Mostly because I don’t fantasize about coffins. Sure, sometimes I think about death, but not in the same stream of consciousness as coffins I will be buried in.
Well, I hope you find yourself well adjusted and highly likely to buy a ‘normal’ coffin after viewing the hammer, pineapple and other such lovely burial encasements.
Please burn me up after I die.
Via Dave Barry.
Turning Mac Mini into a Media Center
There’s a new project being started to further my desire to buy a Mac Mini. The Mac Media Center Project – Turning Mac Mini into a Media Center. You know you want one. It’s just like having a Windows Media Center PC only with a Mac, which is smarter.
Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?
Lord have mercy on the man who’s wife wears this.
Hot Rod KitchenAid
Jessica was mildly upset that I said she could make conversations with just about anyone at any given time and that she was cursed with this happening since she married into my family. However, if I get her one of these I’m sure to earn more points.