Bovine Blaze

Some of you may have seen this report wherein we find that there is a huge pile of cow poop flaming… and it won’t go out. I don’t find this particularly problematic because

  • The poop is not on fire inside the cows
  • I’ve watched Envy and realize it could be a lot worse.
  • The fire is so far away from me I don’t notice it
  • People have been cooking food over fecal fires for a long time. Here’s an example from the Bible. Just as long as the meat gets cooked to FDA regulations.

Also, if cows are responsible for a large amount of methane then we should harness this and then we’d be cooking with gas.

Big Burger

My sister-in-law sent me this link to a Big Burger. Apparently this is real. Apparently these people have a death wish and want to die of a clogged heart within a day or so. If they don’t have a clogged hear their toilette will be after eathing that much meat.


Happy Thirtieth Birthday Dave! You old fart. There’s nothing like getting older to remind us of eternity. I know that turning 27 was hard for me, mostly because my wife started telling me I was past my prime 😉 Now I have to work out at the gym, drink Ensure and I get really interested in certain commercials 😉 But enough about me.

I hope that your birthday is especially bright because your little one is relaxed, your wife is smiling as beautifully as ever and your car doesn’t get stuck in a snow drift. Oh, that’s not too likely there, but the snow is really coming down here.

Filter Out Certain Commercials

A Whole Lotta Nothing: Cialis Disfunction: Can we please stop airing special commercials about fixing various penile issues? I really like to see commercials about erectile disfunction, really, it makes me feel so manly knowing I don’t need it. However, I really, really, really don’t want my two year old seeing things like that. The last thing I need is for her to be sitting at the breakfast table in a restaurant and say something like, “I want pancakes and viagra. Oh, and Milk!”

(via James Robinson III)

Financial Accountability: Cancel Inauguration Parties

From Mark Cuban: Do the Right Thing – Cancel Inauguration Parties. If the innauguration parties are going to cost 4o million dollars (partisanship aside here) lets dump them in favor of other things. In my lifetime I will most likely never see that amount of money, many of my readers likewise will not see that much money. Lets not spend it fivolously on parties for a president that has already had one and will just be continuing on in office. I think there are thousands if not more than a million people all over the globe, including tsunami vicitms who need the resources more than some ritzy folks need a party that they helped fund and create.

Christopher Lee

I just became aware that Christopher Lee, now known for Lord of the Rings’ White Wizard turn Nasty Guy, and Star Wars Episode II bad guy was actually ‘The Mummy’ in 1958! This guy has been doing movies for a long time!

That’s quite a career and if my career lasts that long I’m not going to be developing web sites in 40 years because the web will be the past, but maybe I’ll be designing ties. And I suspect that blogs will be, um, part of stories I tell my grand-kids.

“When I was your age we used to have this thing called the Internet.”

“Yeah, yeah Grandpa, we’ve heard that story before. Come play Virtual Wolfenstein 4D.”

The Blend

I predict that 2005 will contain more blending as is already obvious by some cutting edge designers as linked to below (though the designs may change if you’re reading this from the archives – email me if things have changed when you’re reading this and linking through).

Your Total Site – blends the shadow down into what could be any length content – good design choice because you get to lose your concern over how long the article is, or the length of columns.

Firewheel Design – a small blend is employed near the menu to help visually draw your eyes from the menu into the content of the page. Also, a hatched blend is employed where the lovely background pattern runs into the orange gradient.

Silver Point – This site really grabbed me and I think it may be one of my favorites of the year. I really liked the rounded corners with the padded dotted outline for the mission statement.

The thing about the blend is that it is so subtle, but effective at drawing your eyes past distinct elements without killing the distinction of the elements that are blending. It’s smart design and something I hope to employ in the next rendition of this site.