Sheep Urine Futures Skyrocket

OK, so check this out. That is brilliant. I took an environmenalism class in college (wherein I was supposed to become outwardly upset by the fact that as humans we’re bad stewards of what we’ve been given – oh, and become an environmentalist. It kinda worked, but not completely) and at that point in time they were using water for this. As the title predicts we’re going to see sheep milked and ‘pee-ed’ and the byproducts of the latter will be valuable in a new way.

Tasty Condiment

Caravelle is probably one of the hundreds of condiments vaing for your attention when you go to the grocery store. However, I had some given to me to try and I can say that it is a weird looking sauce with pleasant flavor and I highly recommend it in the following hamburger format:

  • Hamburger
  • Cheese
  • Guacamole
  • Caravelle

The Eyes of Nye

The Eyes of Nye
is a show by ‘Bill Nye, the Science Guy.’ Well, that’s what his old show was called back when I was a Jr. Higher. The funky thing is that I loved that show and would watch it as regularly as possible. I would also watch it even as an adult. It would come on Sunday mornings while I was getting ready for church, and what else could I do but turn on the TV and watch this hilarious show about basic science (usually physics or chemistry) while getting dressed, or ironing [for the record I’d iron the close before I got dressed].

I haven’t seen this show yet, but it could be good and funny.