The Eyes of Nye

The Eyes of Nye
is a show by ‘Bill Nye, the Science Guy.’ Well, that’s what his old show was called back when I was a Jr. Higher. The funky thing is that I loved that show and would watch it as regularly as possible. I would also watch it even as an adult. It would come on Sunday mornings while I was getting ready for church, and what else could I do but turn on the TV and watch this hilarious show about basic science (usually physics or chemistry) while getting dressed, or ironing [for the record I’d iron the close before I got dressed].

I haven’t seen this show yet, but it could be good and funny.

One thought on “The Eyes of Nye

  1. I too enjoyed Bill Nye, He is absolutely hilarious. I have not seen anything about his new show, my TV watching has been limited do to school and that is a good thing :), but I hope it is as good as the original.

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