Post of the Beast

I just noticed that the Post ID (how WordPress identifies this post) for this blog entry is 666. I promise that I’m not selling anything with this post and you can read other entries on this site without writing said post ID on your wrist or forehead. Similarly conspiracy theorists and people with wrong theology will get worred about this. However, I think that it is key to note that scripture says that the church will be taken out of the world before 666 is implemented.

Also of note is the fact that this is actually post number 467 starting from the first post on my old site.

2004 U.S. Presidential Election Candidates

OK, so I’ve said that I don’t like the two primary parties’ candidates, here is a list of all the choices (I think, this could still be an incomplete list) 2004 U.S. Presidential Election Candidates. On the surface I’m confident that I will not vote for the ‘Personal Choice Party’ since the Vice Presidential candidate is a porn star. Boy, that’s a new meaning to Vice President.

Brilliant Web Design

As a professional web designer I’m constantly on the lookout for good design, creative design and things I can learn from Silverpoint: Web Solutions for Schools is about as brilliant a design as any I have come across (and I have come across a lot). It was created by Shaun Inman, who has already proven his standings in the web development industry with such amazing designs as his Cereal Bowl design for

If You Hated Blogging, But Had a Blog

If you hated blogging but had a blog you’d have this blog. Of course if you neglected your blog for more valuable pursuits you’d have this blog. And of course if you had a witty sense of humor but were extremely hooked on George Bush, you’d have this blog. And if you were an apiring jazz musician/programmer, you’d have this blog. And if you were me – you’d have this blog.