2004 U.S. Presidential Election Candidates

OK, so I’ve said that I don’t like the two primary parties’ candidates, here is a list of all the choices (I think, this could still be an incomplete list) 2004 U.S. Presidential Election Candidates. On the surface I’m confident that I will not vote for the ‘Personal Choice Party’ since the Vice Presidential candidate is a porn star. Boy, that’s a new meaning to Vice President.

3 thoughts on “2004 U.S. Presidential Election Candidates

  1. From the VP of the “Concerns of the People” party…
    He lost a race for local school board in 2003 as the party’s nominee (6%) — but notes in party literature that he’s “been elected twice to the board of directors of his condominium owner’s association.”
    This guy’s a four syllable loser.

    From the Pres of the Personal Choice Party:
    Born 1960 in New Jersey. Single (“… and not necessarily looking”). Huh?!

    From the VP of the Personal Choice party:
    During the period in which she left porn (before her return to the industry), Chambers owned and operated a gun shop
    Maybe she can get an endorsement from the NRA. Heh, Charlie Heston would flip.

  2. Man, this is scary…a few of these folks look like they had their pictures scanned in from their obits (or should have). I guess I’ll have to work my way thru the links and read about these people’s views when I have a little more time and patience. Right now, I’m little too weirded out.

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