So I saw a granola boy try to pick up on the checker at the granola store today as I was buying supplements for my wife. Only he was a wannabe granola boy. He was wannabe once he started to flap his jaw and reveal his ignorance of environmental things. Here’s how the story played out (with my colored commentary because this is my blog):
Granola boy (GB): Hey, I like your hat!
Checker (C): Thanks.
GB: Did someone make it?
C: No, I got it at [some store with a name like ‘Twisters’, but I don’t recall exactly]
COMMENTARY: Someone had to make it. The last time I heard mushroom caps were not being produced as headware. It may have been an under-privileged child in a third world country – but someone made it.
C: Do you want paper or plastic?
GB: /leaning over counter/ Um, its going to be heavy, huh?
C: I guess.
GB: Plastic. We need to figure out what we’re going to do with all of the plastic bags we already have. When are we going to start caring?
COMMENTARY: Doh! Stupidest dumb self-defeating thing GB could have said at the end is about his lack of caring to know that there are bag recycling programs at most major supermarkets – and they don’t care what stores names are on the bags. Furthermore, two paper bags would have held what he had and he could also have recycled those. Or put them in a worm compost pit. The worms mix the paper with the soil and turn it into rich, good for your plants, soil.
C: Yeah.
GB: God bless. /walks away/
I slid into my position in front of the register
GB: /comes back/ maybe we can find some worm or something that could eat the bags /walks away/
I figured that C was smart enough to know this guy was talking out of his bum so I didn’t continue on the discussion – she didn’t need me to tell her that the guy was dumber than the dirt he seemed to care about so much. It is good to be living in Colorado and be able to see that the people are not as granola as the nation thinks. Maybe we could find some worms to eat people like that?