My Wife Laughs At My Beard

Yesterday I noted to Jessica, “My beard is really growing in full now.”  I did this because it has taken it over ten years to get to the state that it is in: almost, kinda, sorta full.  She just smiled and brought up the need I had to exercise.  It’s good to be married to a woman who can artfully redirect the conversation so as to help me not feel bad for having the facial hair growing capacity of a hairless chihuahua.

As for needing to exercise I try to exercise every day, but she’s usually playing We Cheer these days while the kids are down, so it makes it hard to break in and get some time on the treadmill and watch a show at the same time.  [do you like how I artfully deflected that with an excuse?]

Dude, There Are Geeks on the Internet

Creative Commons: The Eggplant -

Creative Commons: The Eggplant -

In case you didn’t notice, there’s a place called Wikipedia.  They have an outrageously large amount of data and apparently a good chunk of it is relatively accurate.  Take for example the entry on Pi.  That would be a reference to the mathematical constant.  If you wanted to, you could follow the links on that page to other references such as the Greek letter.  There is far more information about Pi on that page than any encyclopedia editor would allow.  That’s because an encyclopedia is about terse, rich data.  Wikipedia is about excessive information because its storage, retrieval and modification is so cheap that limiting the data is probably more work than just tacking on more information as its available.

Lets put this in perspective: the cost of printing any book could run into the millions upon millions of dollars depending on all of the people involved.  The cost of putting together a web page is non-zero, but its microscopic in comparison.  If web publishing were more expensive there would be far fewer ‘get rich quick’ sites.  Lets get back to Pi.  Apparently people have memorized thousands of the decimal fractions of Pi.  Most encyclopedia entries just don’t care about this data, but Wikipedia has further information and a line chart showing the rise in numbers memorized by an individual over time.  I have 2: 3.14.  That’s 200% more than I currently need due to the absence of circular math (so far) in my job.  I have to figure out many other formulas and algorithms, but Pi is distinctly absent from my daily, weekly, monthly or yearly math needs.

In case your encyclopedia is feeling small, just remind it that Wikipedia also has entries on such interesting topics as international Pi day (a day to celebrate Pi).  I think I would celebrate by eating pizza and pecan Pi.  There appears to be some discrepancy about what other days might be celebrated along with Pi because of rounding.  I’m not making that up.  Geeks, trivialogists, dataheads, nerds, and specialists all pile in more data so that if Wikipedia is missing something important you can go to Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft Live, or any number of other search engines to get even more information.

Sadly, there is a space on the internet called ‘the deep web’ [of course you should see the wikipedia article] which does not know the love of the search engines.  It is a place that is undocumented, hidden, secret and fully of kitty porn [to my mother: that link goes to a humor site and is not naughty].  It is a place where people are trying to get to, apparently, because I have seen articles on how to find information on the deep web.  Here’s some irony for your wrinkled brow: if its unsearched, unindexed, and unknown you’re going to have a hard time using traditional methods to get to it.  Never fear!  There is the power of human search.  Mahalo, Twitter, Digg and the like all use humans to traverse the Interwebs and post links.  You may wonder why I mention Twitter, but the answer is simple: if you go to twitter, create an account, and then get enough followers that people all over the world at any moment could be reading your tweets: people all over the world will read your tweets and possibly reply.  Its human powdered search.  That which was untraceable is now so easy to find that even disreputable presidents who are mocked for not speaking in complete sentences could hammer out a 140 character or less question and get links back from the 14 people who follow them.

So, in short, which this isn’t, the Internets have lots of great content.  There’s the Internet, Web 2.0, and the latest news I have is that CSS3 is coming, and then we’ll probably start seeing early betas of Web 3.0 in 2009.  If web 3.0 gets too slowed down there is a good chance that the economic stimulation checks, bailouts, and IPO’s will help move things along.  And worst case scenario we’ll all be able to eat our free Pi from Wikipedia.  Of course you’d wipe your mouth with your pi tie.


I have been driving Abby to school this week.  Evie has come along for the ride.  There have been geese in a field on the way to school but this morning they were gone.  I asked Evie if she could see any geese.  She could not, but she did tell me,  “I can smell the poop of the geese.”

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

I finished installing the sound dampening accessories on our new dishwasher tonight. I had waited on the off chance of leaks from the new installation. No leaks meant silencers were to be installed. This washer is quiet now. The air gap which prevents backflow contamination is now louder when it’s draining than the washer is when it’s running.

I am going to say this: if you have a washer without a backflow prevention mechanism such as an air gap: get one. I can think of no other cheap installation that could be better for your home repair money. I could have possibly saved my old dishwasher from replacement had I known about the air gap. Installation took all of 20 minutes because I’m slow and wanted to triple check the connections.

So far I’m thrilled.

Also, I fixed a broken closet door tonight. Tip: don’t cut corners with “repairs”. The previous owner of this house did and I’m having to make up for it in dishwashers and wood and time :). Not that I mind. After hours in front of a computer screen physical labor is refreshing.

International Super Model Disaster Averted

In case you didn’t know it British singer Seal and German Super Model wife Heidi Klum announced before the November election that they would leave the United States if McCain won [source].  Because if there’s anything that sways American voters it is the threat of foreign celebrities leaving the country [they do have two children who are US citizens].  When you can charge as much as these two do for shows, appearances, and modeling I think its pretty safe to say that they could live in Mexico, fly to work every day, and still not panic about their finances.

I’m grateful that Senator Obama is now President Elect Obama because its rather clear that Senator McCain’s impact on world entertainment would have been devastating.  It’s nice to know that Obama has the Seal of aproval from at least one super model.

Cats are for Sissies

We don’t have a cat.  I’m allergic to cats.  However, my sister-in-law has a dog.  It is a Cocka-poo, which is a hybrid/mixed-breed and it pretty much looks like a poodle.  I’d post pictures, but he’s got black hair (not fur) and I haven’t gotten a great photo yet.  He brought a dead mouse into the kitchen and dropped it on the floor this evening for us.  We don’t need cats, we have a dog.

I’m going to go throw up now, thanks.

Plane Yogurt

This last Thursday I found myself getting ready to take off on a flight when I overheard the flight attendant telling another passenger about their TV service.  She said, “For only $5.00 you can watch cable TV the whole flight.”

Cable TV.  Ha!  That’s a long cable.