A Thought from Matthew Chapter Ten

This morning during my Bible study time I read Matthew chapter ten and ran into the fact that Judas, infamous betrayor of Christ, was also one who was sent out to do (and most likely did) miracles in verse 8. I suppose I’ve known that for some time, but the immensity of it hit me this morning. I suppose that would cause me to want to go out and throw myself down on a noose, too.

OK, that’s enough morbidity 🙂

Tim LaHaye to Add to Bible

To continue the success of the Left Behind series Tim LaHaye, prophecy guru, has worked with the Pope, who has apostolic succession, to create a sixty-seventh book in scripture. This book will allow the Left Behind series to continue on for at least 20 more volumes, and because LaHaye and Pope John Paul VIIMILK are the authors of the new book for the Bible there will be a lot less concern about interpretation of the prophecy since they authored it.

Conservative Bible scholars are up in arms as is the Christian Bookseller’s Association (CBA) – for opposite reasons. The scholars are concerned that this is heresy stating that there has been no new revelation for almost 200 years (excluding whack-jobs like the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses). CBA is upset because they’re almost certain that Wal-Mart will undersell them by $2.00 per book anyway.

Prophecy book author Hal Lindsey, author of ‘Late Great Planet Earth,’ says, “I wish I had thought of this, then I could afford to color more than my moustache

Losing My Salvation

I’ve been studying lately about the doctrine that is by some that you can lose your salvation. Catholics don’t teach this because they teach that you never know if/when you’re saved, and almost everyone must at least do some time in purgatory. However, the Foursquare church, the Nazarene church and others teach that you can lose your salvation. However, I’ve got several critical questions that I’d like answered for me (you may post a comment here or send me an email).

If at the point of salvation I have

  1. Died (Romans 6:2-6)
  2. Been buried (Romans 6:4)
  3. Been resurrected (Romans 6:5)
  4. Been ascended (Colossians 3:1)
  5. Been hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3)
  6. Been seated with Christ (Colossians 3:1,3)

How does all of that get done? By God’s grace. And can you please show me the place in scripture where any of that is contingent on my works? And can you show me the place where some of my sins are not covered by Christ’s atoning work? The two denominations I listed above believe you can regain the salvation you’ve lost. If that is the case then why does Hebrews 6:4-6 say you cannot regain your salvation if it is lost (assuming it is possible to lose your salvation, because the Greek makes it clear it is a hyopthetical question, I contend it is not). Therefore a second salvation is not possible.

If a person can lose their salvation then they must

  1. Be unhidden in Christ
  2. Unseated with Christ
  3. Descend from the heavenlies
  4. Be reburied
  5. Undie
  6. The old man must resurrect into life (or death, depending on how you want to look at it.)

Paul never write about those as an option.

On top of that Ephesians 2:5 says, “.. by grace you were saved…” which the Greek text has in the perfect tense – as in its a done deal.

I’m not losing my salvation.

Theology and Hermeneutics

I’ve had a conversation or two here that has made me want to say, “Get some basic understandings of Hermeneutics!” Understanding context, who the intended audience is, and what the key details of the language are makes a HUGE difference in what you conclude the interpretation and application are. If Christ was speaking directly to his disciples then just throwing yourself into their midst to gain direct application of what he said makes you a Disciple. “I am a disciple,” you say. Yes, but you are not one of The Disciples. And therein lies a great distinction. Don’t get confused about who you are in Christ. His disciples were small servants, we are called to be even smaller servants, more humble, more willing to serve… don’t try to be great and powerful, but be a simple vessel who can be used.

I also stuck my mouth in my foot (not a typo but a joke) last week when I went to breakfast with my brother and his mentor, Eric. I talked negatively about Benny Hinn (who is a heretic in my opinion). Eric didn’t seem to like my negativity about Benny. Then on Sunday at church the pastor, Louie, talked highly of him. Doh!

Abby Sized Bible Verses

We’ve been working on Bible memory verses for Abby already, and here is last weeks, followed by this weeks:

Psalm 117:1
Praise the Lord All you nations;
Laud Him all you peoples.

I Thesellonians 5:16-17
Rejoice Always.
Pray without ceasing.


This morning I had to explain God to Abby. Well, actually I had to try to explain on very basic levels that I was not God, nor was Jessica.

She said, “Daddy God.”

To which I replied, “No.”

“Mommy God?”

“No. God is in charge of the whole world. The bunnies, the flowers, people, everything.”

That was apparently all she needed because she then moved onto playing with the blocks. Being a parent is incredibly humbling. I am responsible for the care and education of this little girl while she’s in my household and that’s a mighty big responsibility. I’m sure in her lifetime she’ll wrestle with many of the things I have and do wrestle with, but I hope that by the grace of God we’ll do an incredibly good job so that some blessed guy will marry a well educated, wonderful cooking, godly woman [Cooking is a pretty high priority for me ;)].

Please Pray

Please pray for one of our elders who had a heart attack this last week. He’s doing better, but has some surgery later this week. Fortunately he had the heartattack two weeks after his daughter’s wedding and not two weeks before, or some other really bad time (as if there’s a good time for heart attacks).

God’s grace is evident throughout this whole situation and it was good to hear an update this morning since we have a Cardiologist at the church, Bob Eckel [scroll down], who could explain what was happening on both a technical expertise level and then a layman’s level [thank goodness for the simple explanation for those of us who are medically challenged]. Hal’s heart was not permanently damaged according to testing and with the operations all should be back to normal. It looks like the bicycle ride he was planning on will be postponed some though 🙂