The Long Road

As we approach the celebration of Christmas I thought I’d do a wee bit of writing on the subject, but from a different perspective. This stretches the bounds of my writing skills but the idea came to me so hopefully it will be at least partially entertaining and hopefully won’t mark me as a heretic.

As Mary adjusted her gown, holding it up and out a little bit from her swollen belly she let out a small groan of pain. The cloth had rubbed her skin sore and she wished that she could have just stayed at home in Nazereth. Other travellers more well to do than a carpenter had various modes of transportation but she and her husband Joseph were on foot making their way to the census destination of Bethlehem. Joseph hadn’t said anything in a while and her young mind, no more than 14 years, was full of thoughts of this little one inside her. His kicking had become more regular and while it was fun, his pushing on her bladder as they walked the road was far from amusing. Her thoughts wandered again to the angel who had shown up in her room and scared her half to death. A messenger from God saying she would carry a child. While it was quite an honor the social pressure the pregnancy put on her was incredible. Eight months ago Mary had been on the road to see her cousin Elizabeth. Barely pregnant… an easier walk.

Joseph, being a young carpenter, not really excited about the prospect of being a father. Being a liberal jew meant he would divorce Mary quietly rather than making a scene like the Pharisees would have done. The anger that he felt over Mary’s pregnancy was replaced by shock when Mary’s story of an angel was confirmed by an angle of his own! Joseph, being smarter than to question God when an messenger of His showed up went along with things. Each time he saw Mary and the gradual development in her abdomen he was reminded of the name he had not picked out for the boy he was not the father of: Jesus.

During this long walk he had had lots of time to think but hadn’t really said a lot to Mary about it because he didn’t want her to be under any more pressure than she was already under. The last thing he needed was a delivery on the road. Mary would need time to rest after the delivery and if there was any complication he would need help. Heaven knew that a carpenter could hew wood, form structures, build things… but they were not so good at medical procedures. Cut wood? Sure. Cut an umbilical chord? No. The walk would be quiet, hopefully with little interaction with robbers who were notoriously setting upon people with death a common side effect.

“What are you thinking, ” Mary asked.
“My mother warned me that men said that when they were thinking the most. We haven’t been married long enough for me to read your mind yet!”
“Fine. I’m thinking about Jesus, angels, social pressure and this poorly timed census. Are you doing OK? The last thing we need is a road side delivery. It would fit the ticket given the chaos this pregnancy so far.”
“Joseph, you know I didn’t plan this, but God did. It’s not fair for you to hold this over me. After nine months I figured that you’d ‘get it.’ You don’t even have to carry the baby, get a sore back from walking miles and miles, swollen ankles and other swollen body parts. I’d expect your part to be the easiest: name him Jesus.” A reply, a complaint and a reminder.

Joseph, a little irritated, and being a typical man wanted to quit the conversation hoping that he could think of something else that would be innovative in his labors with the wood. A new way to construct furniture – faster, smarter building – anything but fatherhood. In all honesty he was excited about the prospect because it was something that was a priveledge. Given that no one else knew with any certainty what they were having his knowledge of the boy coming was rather unique. He thought of how he would teach Jesus about the grain of the wood, how to handle the tools, and how to negotiate for higher sale prices with customers – something every business man needed to know how to do. Joseph relished his ability to negotiate – it made him feel good to be able to get the best price on wood and then sell it for a little more so that he could save up for other things he needed, wanted or for Mary’s needs. Soon he’d need to cover the expense of a young boy. An arrow in his quiver as the Psalms said. So much had been foretold in the Psalms about Jesus and so he smiled to himself. The father of the King of Israel and he was only a carpenter.

Mary saw the smile and started to ask the question again, “What are you smiling about?”

It was only a modification of the question of thought, but it was different so Joseph pacified her with a summmary, “I’m going to be the father of a king, The King. I wonder if I’ll get to wear purple, or if we’ll just be dressed in the finest clothes. I hope that we get our own chariots to go about in… and no more censuses to go to!”

“Praise God,” Mary replied with a chuckle of enthusiasm – a break from her chafed skin and the serious pain that throbbed in her legs. Please Lord, let this baby come soon, but not until we reach Bethlehem. And if you don’t mind, can we please have a private room. I praise you for your wisdom and ask your blessings. Amen.

Silence came again as the two paced themselves along the road. Once again the rhythm of their feet was their only contribution to the sounds of the road as they and other travellers made their way to Bethlehem, a consequence of Hared’s rulership over Israel.

[To be continued…]

New Section of

I’ve created a new section of this site, it’s a Bible blog, dedicated to things I’m learning in God’s word. This is basically to give me a focused area for theological and Christianity related things. I’ll soon be making a development section as well. The new URL for the Bible blog is This will allow for several things, but you’ll have to go over and check it out (even though it’s young and only has a few posts at this date). I’m excited for some interaction. I’m sure that some readers will be slightly shocked, moderately disturbed or generally disgusted 🙂 However, everyone is welcome to comment, so please feel free to do so!

Is It Passion?

I’m listening to the new Roper album and the song ‘Day of Pigs‘ really struck me. This song is about how we can work ourselves up into a frenzy and get good feelings basically by out of drive or desire in the flesh. I used to be rather charismatic (though I’ve had charismatic friends who’ve doubted that) as a teenager. I was convinced that ‘being a Christian meant that I had to be holy.’ While this sounds good it falls so short of what we’re created to be in Christ. The key is ‘in Christ.’ You see, one of the major things I’ve learned since moving to Denver is the fact that I’m in Christ. If you look at Ephesians and Colossians you will see that all of your holiness is Christ’s holiness imputed (credited to your account) to you (Ephesians 4:24). All of your good works are His good works planned out for you to do (Ephesians 2:10) and no matter what you do in this life you are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3).

What motivates you when you are doing good works? Is it the Holy Spirit? Is it you abiding in Christ and He in you? If it is a deep, pashionate love for your God, then you will, in love abide in Christ. Don’t be drawn to new, more amazing levels of experience. Don’t be drawn to new ideas, but instead be drawn to the principles that are written in scripture. Rather than look at life as mountaintops and valleys (of which I’ve seen plenty in the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies) but instead look at life from the heavenlies where you are positionally seated!

Instead of praying that you will go tell the world the gospel pray every day that you will abide in Christ and that His Holy Spirit would open doors for you to preach the gospel, the good news. And then, when you have met a young, hungry Christian heart, do the untraditional thing, do the biblical thing: disciple them. Stop right there and live with that person (in a figurative sense) until they are equipped to go disciple others. Then you can go onto the next person the Lord brings into your life. At that point in time there will be two disciplers… and then 4… then 8 and so forth. But make sure that your disciples are grounded in God’s word. Make sure they understand clear, concise bible interpretation. If you have not been discipled for any length of time (more than a 6 week discipleship group class) seek an older, wiser, godly elder (your church does have elders doesn’t it?) and ask them to disciple you. Titus 2 calls the older men to teach the younger men and the older women to teach the younger women. This is critical for continuity within the church as well as for good doctrine to be preserved.

It is not that emotion is evil, but that an equipped saint is 1,000 times a brighter light than a strobe light. When we try to go from high to high, or fire to fire we flash, we spark but are we a beacon? I encourage you to seek discipleship. If you’re looking for some good material or want some pointers I recommend which is the material that I was discipled with by my Dad. For further information on spiritual growth I also recommend the books at The Green Letters will challenge you and will give you lots to think about as you grow in your relationship with the Lord.

Passion? I’m clothing myself in Christ, it’s fashion 😉

Greek Class

I’ve really been enjoying our Greek class on Saturday nights. Craig Kaes has done such an outstanding job preparing for and teaching the class. Granted we’re currently doing a survey of Greek to get most of the other students familiar with the language the pace and the content are excellent. Craig has been going through the English parts of grammar and then helping us relearn or understand diagramming those sentences so that we can grasp how those diagrams will work in Greek.

Unlike English the Koine Greek (the New Testament Greek) language is very logical but still takes some adjusting to since it’s not a modern spoken language that adds a layer of difficulty for us to wrap our minds around. However, it is so exciting to read a Greek New Testament (or try to) and pick up words and phrases. When I translated my first passage in Seminary and it roughly said the same thing that my New American Standard Bible said I was so excited. Not because I had re-invented the wheel but because it added another layer of certainty to the Word of God. It is Truth and it is fantastic for daily application.

Telejournalists – the Next Faith-Based Religion

As is obvious in this documentary:'George W. Bush: Faith in the White House' we see that with enough money, quality editing and political slant you can create a "counter documentary". Hopefully one to offset the harm done to the Bush campaign by Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" documentary.

OK, here’s the part I don’t get: Why are people so easily persuaded by the television medium? I don’t believe anything I read on the internet [a comparable medium] just because it’s published on the internet. I look at the source, I evaluate the source, I evaluate the quotes and context of the story and then I add it to the information I’ve collected on the subject so far and then I do some calculations to adjust my opinion on the subject if needed.

I recognize that no one is completely non-partisan, no one is unbiased (despite a desire to be so) and in short no one stands on neutral ground. However, Television all too often trusted when it needs to be very carefully screaned for accuracy when it comes to news, politics and religion. The news producer wants the following things to keep your attention:

  1. Extreme statements to get your interested
  2. Process it so that you don’t have to think very much [pre-interpreted news is opinion]
  3. Foofy content so as not to really get you thinking about the deepr, longer term impact of events

And that list could go on much longer, but I think that summarizes some of the weaknesses of the current media situation.

So, if you watch the news, and you believe everything they say at faith value but you consider yourself an agnostic, athiest or ignorant – you’ve got a faith just like me – it’s just in something other than Christ.

Psalm 121

A psalm of ascent
1I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come?
2My help [cometh] from Jehovah, Who made heaven and earth.
3He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4Behold, he that keepeth Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep.
5Jehovah is thy keeper: Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6The sun shall not smite thee by day, Nor the moon by night.
7Jehovah will keep thee from all evil; He will keep thy soul.
8Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth and for evermore.

Since I’m about to ascend, I thought this little play on words was witty, but right now I’m pretty tired. The noises and my own normally staying up later made it hard to sleep last night. Anyway, see you in a while!

The Last Supper

Or Jesus Serves
Just imagine Christ finishing washing His disciple’s feet – dining with them, partaking in the breaking of bread and then they look down onto the table and see this:
Jesus Serves
That would totally have ruined the atmosphere.

I got this whilst eating at the Souper Salad a while back and had to share.