I’ve really been enjoying our Greek class on Saturday nights. Craig Kaes has done such an outstanding job preparing for and teaching the class. Granted we’re currently doing a survey of Greek to get most of the other students familiar with the language the pace and the content are excellent. Craig has been going through the English parts of grammar and then helping us relearn or understand diagramming those sentences so that we can grasp how those diagrams will work in Greek.
Unlike English the Koine Greek (the New Testament Greek) language is very logical but still takes some adjusting to since it’s not a modern spoken language that adds a layer of difficulty for us to wrap our minds around. However, it is so exciting to read a Greek New Testament (or try to) and pick up words and phrases. When I translated my first passage in Seminary and it roughly said the same thing that my New American Standard Bible said I was so excited. Not because I had re-invented the wheel but because it added another layer of certainty to the Word of God. It is Truth and it is fantastic for daily application.