
I am flabbergasted that Google has its knickers in a twist over the Bing ‘copying’ strategy.  The truth is that Google spiders MSDN, Microsoft’s internal nerdvana site, and provides excellent results.  To the point that I go to Google to search Microsoft.  Just because Microsoft goes to Google to search Microsoft doesn’t mean they’re copying results, they’re just doing the equivalent to doping before a major competition.

Some folks have suggested that Google is upset because Microsoft copied their results because the algorithm Google has is better.  This could not be further from the truth.  Google’s algorithm is simply a bunch of code running on super-cheap hardware.  Microsoft’s code is simply a bunch of code running on Windows hardware and software churning out the best results Microsoft knows how to dish out: results from Google.  That’s just smart business.  Bing!

Oh, and Hybbprqag is one of the words Google says Microsoft copied results for.

Oh, and Oh, I should point out that I use Bing because I prefer their user agreement and privacy policy ever so slightly more than Google’s.