They say you shouldn’t eat two hours before bed, which is why I eat an hour before bed. I get a lot less cramps in my dreams.
Tag Archives: lot
I Have A Problem: Knowing When to Answer in Boolean
I’ve recently realized that when people ask me one particular question (and many other non-particular questions) I get rather animated and excited and run my mouth. The question: Do you like coffee? I do. I like it a lot and apparently I’m often compelled to answer that I like it so much that I sometimes roast my own. They asked a yes or no question, I ran my mouth with a longer answer that might come across as, “more than you!” I don’t mean it that way, I just like the brown, roasted beans a bunch. Apologies if you’ve run into this with me. Feel free to suggest to me, “That was a question requiring only a boolean response.” I’ll take the hint 🙂