Dads & Dates

I had a conversation with my friend Jon in Texas and he stated something that I’ve held for some time, but it reminded me of it, so I’m going to recycle it here: if girls dads treat them poorly then they will tend to go out with guys that also treat them poorly.  In other words dads are setting standards for their daughters boyfriends and husbands even when their daughters are little girls.  Moms, your influence is similar: your sons are going to tend to find a woman that is as lady-like (or not) and as respectful as you are to them and their fathers. If you’re dishing dirt, lying, sleezing, creeping and generally abusing your children don’t be surprised when they go out and find Mr. or Mrs. Wrong.

Also, it is possible to break this cycle.  Also, also: it’s a principle and not a rule, there are plenty of exceptions.