If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for the Texas Rangers.
If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for Pamela Anderson for Sunday School teacher.
If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for the terrorists.
If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for my beard to grow out to the point where I actually look like a mountain man.
If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like a vote for eating a sewage shake.
If you don’t vote on Tuesday then it’s like you don’t count. Make your Tuesday November the 2nd count.
Hey, you don’t know where Pammy’s heart is with the Lord. Maybe she’d wear a turtleneck. 😉
No joke I once read that she was teaching Sunday School at some unitarian church. I can’t find a good reference on it now, but either way, that’s, um, probably not full of good content.