I have tried two days in a row now to download the Windows Mobile 5 or 6 SDK. Tried. I have succeeded to actually download files, larger files that take some time to download. Except that when I download the large files and try to execute the installers it warns me. It warns me to keep me safe from bad files containing viruses. It warns me that all hellfire and brimstone might take place due to the dangerous files that are encased in the cryptic MSI file. It tells me that I cannot execute the installers – which I need for work – because it has an unknown publisher. Clicking on the publisher link on the dialog shows that it is in fact Microsoft. The author of the warning sofware is Microsoft. The author of the SDK is Microsoft. Microsoft department number one, would you please talk to department number two and make sure that your stuff works nicely with itself?
Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself (I am large. I contain multitudes)–Walt Whitman.