Make Your Own Filet Mignon!

OK, so this isn’t news, but did you know you can buy a Tenderloin at your favorite wholesaler (Costco, for example) and butcher it at home for filets that are significantly cheaper than the grocery store, and super juicy?  Sure, if you’re a vegetarian I’ve just suggested you go suck on a dirty gym sock, but for the omnivorous folks out there, wow!  We had tried this for Easter this year and had limited success because our tenderloin was spread between too many people.  However, tonight Kurt & Becky kindly invited us over for Kurt’s birthday (Happy Birthday, again!  Don’t eat the Pie!) where Kurt’s parents had kindly bought another tenderloin for us all to share.

WOW!  All my base are belong to Pismo.  Yummy stuff!  The butchering of the tenderloin isn’t that difficult and you will end up with approximately 10 tenderloins and meat for some very tasty philly cheesesteak sandwiches for about $50.00 (USD).  Give it a shot if you get the loot, its well worth it.

2 thoughts on “Make Your Own Filet Mignon!

  1. I did try the long tenderloin from Costco and out of 7 pounds – more than 1 pound was fat. That makes it much more expensive than what you pay.

  2. This is the best meat for the price you will ever buy. Hands down. Tenderloin roast, filiet mignon roast from costco is the best. meat eater must have got a bad cut. I have bought these twenty times and ALWAYS have been happy.

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