Spider-Man 2

We saw Spider-Man 2 today. Great Movie! Definitely a strong contender for my favorite movie of the year (we’ll see how Bourne Supremacy goes, that looks excellent as well). The effects are excellent, as you’d expect, but the plot was fun, the acting was good and the tension between the characters was great.

I have to say that I was really impressed by ‘Doc Ock’ and his wife’s interaction before he goes evil. It was a short moment but the two of them conveyed a love for one another in that short bit that was excellent!

The moral of the story, and the moral of most comic stories, is that you can do good no matter who you are and no matter how old you are. I definitely don’t agree that all people are good, but I will say that the idea of doing right because it’s the right thing to do comes out in this movie just like it did in the first movie.

There were several parts that were funny and we laughed and there were other parts that were almost tearful because of compassion or sadness. The two worst parts of the movie for me were the dozen or slightly less shrieks that women let out in terror (too many for my taste) and Kirsten Dunst’s teeth at 2000% magnification. Her teeth bother me… I’m retarded for it, I know.

There wasn’t a lot of prophanity as they were focusing on the plot line and comic book nature of the story and not stretching the boundaries of PG-13.

I loved Doc Ock’s arms – they’re incredibly well done and the switch between real and computerized arms is unnoticable. You will like the CGI, if you notice it.

Go see this movie, it won’t be a waste of your money!