I have gotten more comments in the last month on my post from ages ago on Ligers than I have on any other post. Its the equivalent of having someone dig on your grandma: she’s old, just let her be. Plus, in my case, she’s married, so that’s double yucky. Anyway, its special being the source for liger misinformation. And, Um, Dave? You really ticked people off. Congratulations on getting people to leave a swearing comment (which I deleted) and telling you where to go and what to do with yourself when you get there. I just wish that Ligers weren’t a man-made creature that has been dorked with and manipulated. Because if they were natural, then I could justify loving them for who they are. Right now I have to just have sympathy for their being pawns. Also, white tigers are manipulated and that makes me sad, too.
Glad I could be of “assistance” – sorry someone felt the need to resort to swearing. 🙂