
I just paid $28.28 to fill up my gas tank [$2.279/gal.]. It makes me feel like I’m paying so little. I try to forget how irritated I got when it cost me more than $20.00 the first time 🙂 So how much do you (in other areas) pay for gas as prices have ‘gone down’?

2 thoughts on “$28.28

  1. $1.95. For the last year, every time I drove by the gas station and saw the price had gone down a penny, I thought to myself, “Only $1.10 to go,” “Only $.90 to go,” “Only $.50 to go.” It’s nice to drive by the gas station and think to myself, “Only $.20 to go.”

    You see, that way, I am always reminded of the two weeks back in 2001 that I refused to buy gas for more than $1.80 because I knew there was no rational reason for the price to be that high. Riding my bike to work was *not* easy in Colorado Springs, but I did it.

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