Barry Bonds Did NOT Tie Babe Ruth

To my knowledge the famed baseball player Babe Ruth (after which the candy bar was named, and also after which my daughter Abby’s middle name was not derived) still holds the record for most home runs hit without steroid usage.  I could be all wrong.  Maybe the Babe secretly injected himself with hormones, steroids or twinkies.  Barry Bonds was a promising athlete, but as soon as he started enhancing his performance with testicle shrinking performance enhancing drugs, he lost the race.  Guiness Book of Whirled Records should totally reject his new record, or at least put a good disclaimer in there.

3 thoughts on “Barry Bonds Did NOT Tie Babe Ruth

  1. If MLB didn’t find that Barry Bonds was using steriods during their drug testing, who are we to convict him before? If someone comes forward and claims Lance Armstrong took steriods are we to convict him if it wasn’t proven during drug testing?

  2. We watched the Billy Crystal movie “61*” the other day. It’s a great movie but it makes me sad – that was clearly the last time the HR season record was broken without steroids – and even back then the commissioner didn’t want to give Maris the record (due to the different length of the season)… What would he have thought today? It’s really a shame.

  3. tiger2 – all you have to do is look at Bonds to know that he’s used. Compare him now and 20 years ago.

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