Warning: We Don’t Want Your Super Viagra

I have been getting hammered by a spam server this morning trying to pitch ‘superviagra.’ So I’ve blacklisted that word. Therefore if you attempt to write a comment on this blog using that word it will just delete the comment. Of course non of my readers would need to write that in the comments, but I just wanted to warn you.

You have been warned – and if you’re cold, put on a jacket, and then you’ll be warmed (most likely. This is not medical advice.)

In fact, this blog does not carry medical advice, dispense medical advice, dispense viagra, super viagra or ultra-super-duper-amazing viagra. I recommend you go see a doctor for any medical advice. That is all.

One thought on “Warning: We Don’t Want Your Super Viagra

  1. Well, what about $uper via9ra or souper viahgrah or soper v1agra or sup3r vi4gr4 or supper /iagra or … well, as you can see, I’ve been hit was plenty of “clever” spammers.

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